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lizells: bestie movie night x2

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lizells: bestie movie night x
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Tags: perssunkins

Lizzys pov:

As Perry showed me the phone my heart sank. Harry commented . What the fuck. How did he find her account. What does he want from us. I zone out in my thoughts. I have so many questions. Isnt he with Katie? What does he want from me? Do I miss him? What no of course I dont. Well I might be lying, because I do miss what me and him had. He gave the best hugs ever. And I miss how his soft sweet lips connected with my ones. The way he used to play with my hair, the Friday Baking where we used to bake something every Friday. To be honest he was the best 1st boyfriend. I know such a surprise but I have only dated harry. He was my first one. I thought he was the one for me , but I guess I was wrong. I dont know why I get butterflies when ever I hear his name or anything about him. I loved him so much and I still do , but he sadly dosent. It hurts but it's okay I need to move on from him. It's been 2 years. He seemed happier without me anyway.


Oh shit I must of zooned out even more and I didn't even listen to what Perry was saying. Fucks sake I hope shes not to mad.

Lizzy: shit sorry I just got lost in my thoughts. Just I dont know anymore

Perry: it's okay. But are you ok? U seemed like u wanted to cry your eyes out while u zooned out?

Fuck I must of had been getting emotional while remember all those things . I guess I truly do miss him. This sucks .

Perry put her hand on my thigh and sighed "I know you still love him liz ans it's okay. Sometimes we love someone too much we cant let go or it just might take a while. He was your first boyfriend and to have your first boyfriend cheat on you after being with you for 4 years sucks. It might take time to get over him but if it means u will get over him that's all that matters. Take your time. It's okay I'm always here for you liz , you know that. It will all be fine in the end" Perry said then she squeezed my thigh and softly smiled at me.

I felt better after that . She was the best. She has never left me and I'm so grateful for her . I smiled back and her and jump on her and hug her. She laughs softly. I love her laugh so much. I laugh with her.

"Okay so I have a ideaaa" she smirks as i pull out the hug and sit besides her. "What's the idea miss smart" I joke . "I have a few spare spa tickets so I thought you might want to have a girls spa day tomorrow to get your mind off harry and everything else. So what do u think" she asks while sitting up and putting the empty bowl which had popcorn in it 10 mins ago.

My face lits up. Her idea was perfect . A spa day was exactly what I needed. I look directly into her eyes with a big smile on my face. "I would love a spa day thank you miss smart" I wink at her. We both share a laugh. "Okay lemme book it and you go to bed miss" she says as she sits up. "Okay okay good night miss smart" I get up and start to walk to my room . I do my night routine and go to bed, hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

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