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ksi: adventure time WOO HOO♡ 600k likes😭 💘 😐 🙄 ☁️ 🥺 𒊹︎ comment as wroetoshaw

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ksi: adventure time WOO HOO
😭 💘 😐 🙄 ☁️ 🥺
𒊹︎ comment as wroetoshaw...

ksi: adventure time WOO HOO♡ 600k likes😭 💘 😐 🙄 ☁️ 🥺 𒊹︎ comment as wroetoshaw

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calfreezy : pup🥰🥰
😭 💘 😐 🙄 ☁️ 🥺
𒊹︎comment as wroetoshaw...

calfreezy : pup🥰🥰❤ 800k likes 😭 💘 😐 🙄 ☁️ 🥺𒊹︎comment as wroetoshaw

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miniminter: new fam member
3.4 mil likes
😭 💘 😐 🙄 ☁️ 🥺
𒊹︎ comment as wroetoshaw...
(Btw that was Harry's insta home page lol)

Harry's pov:

I had just woken up from a long night. Last night me ans call stayed up , did shots and drank a lot of alcohol just to make up about the things I said and how much I hurt him. It was a long ass night. I decide to get my phone and TV remote and just lay around for a bit. I check Twitter and #harrliz was #2 on trending. Huh. What the fuck. I didnt say or post anything last night did I? Fucks sake . Now everyone thinks me and her are good. I actually hate my life so much

I go on insta and I ignore how many followers , likes and comments I got and I went to my settings to check the things I liked last night.

And there it was. Perry's post of her and lizzy. I cant fucking belive it. What was I thinking. I check the comments and I scroll for a while to find my one. And there it was. My comment. I commented "wow damn" . So that's why mine and hers ship name was trending. fucks sake . She did look pretty hot there . No what. Shut up harry shes ur ex u cant like her . But there was something about her. Something special. She is special. Anyways I need to focus.

I finally get out of bed and at this point I dont even care how I look . I feel dead on the inside and outside . I walk down the stairs as I rub my eyes . It was freezing today. I only had a t-shirt and shorts on aswell. I was shivering so much and before I decided to turn the heating up on the highest.

It's a bit warmer now. I go to the kitchen and see if cal made anything. I walk in and I see cal on his phone with a empty plate in front of him. It looked like he made waffles. Damn he didnt save any from me . He didnt notice me at first so I sat next to him on one of the chairs . I go on my phone too and I feel a bit hurt and hungry. Anyways I will probs make something later on. "Oh hey harold " cal finally said with a rough morning voice. "Hi cal" I simply replied back not even looking at him. I can see him looking at me with the corner of my eye. "Oh harold I know what's up" he said with a slight smile on his face. He knows how much I love waffles. He gets up and I look up from my phone and see him walking to the counter and pick up a plate with a plastic bag over it. He gets some ice cream out . Why tho? He finally opens the bag to reveal waffles. My face lits up as he looks back and laughs. He puts some ice cream and strawberries on it and hands me it. Once I see it I put my phone down almost immediately. I start to eat the waffles. Oh my God they were so good. "U like them bog?" Cal asked while being on his phone. "No , because I love them cal thank u. I almost thought u didnt make me any" I asked while I was still chewing the food."Haha sorry boggo I just wanted to see ur reaction " we both share a laugh.

Since me and cal were both still extremely tired and hungover so we were gonna have a lazy day and stay in , watch a movie or football and maybe film a video. It was honestly a very relaxing day but there was something that was on my mind again and that was lizzy. What did she think of that comment. Why did I even care. But how was I going to tell her I was drunk when I typed that, but people do say the things you say when your drunk are sober thoughts. I havent seen her in 2 years tho how could I possibly have feelings for her when I was with Katie and I still cant get over her. This was ment to be a relaxing day not a day to think about your ex. Just get off my mind lizzy...

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