It's Your Life

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  • Dedicated to BevJeff

Before I start my story I just wanted to say I am very thankful for my sister's and without them I wouldn't be a strong woman of faith. They always give good advice and help shape me who I am today and I love all three of them with all my heart, and I am dedicating this to them.


So me and my sister's found out from are mother that are much older cousin is getting kick out from his home, because he is doing drugs or selling drugs either way it's bad.

So my sister turns this situation as a life lesson. She tells me and my other sister that from the day that you are born till your 18, your under your parents rules. And for my cousin he was raised in a Christian home and went to church like all of us. And as soon as he turned 18 it was his choice rather he wanted to take what he learn from his parents and live the good life, or do what he wanted and live the bad life. Your parents can do everything they can so that as soon as you leave their house that you will carry on that message. And if you so happen to choose the bad life, they can't do anything, they can't shed any tears, they can't beg you to do the right thing, they can't make you do anything. But what they can do is pray for them.

Sometimes people have to go through something to get it. And when I say get it, I mean live the good life that God designed you to. And when I say go through something, they have to go through something really bad in their life to understand that you live for God and not anyone else.

That is what I also experienced in a few weeks ago before the winter break. That I try so hard for my friends to understand that you have to turn over to Christ, and if you can't turn over to Christ the easy way which was my way. Then I guess they will have to go through the hard way which is God's way, and that the only thing I can do is pray for them.

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