Imagine #14 part 2

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"Happy Birthday baby girl"

"Thanks Cam"

Cameron pulls into a five star restaurant. I look at him shocked.

"Cam you dont have to bring me to this nice of a restaurant. I would of been just happy with some other place really. This place is extremely expensive and..."

"Shh (y/n). I want to bring you here. You only turn 25 once and you're worth it." He says kissing my cheek. I blush. He gets out and opens the car door for me. I get out and we walk inside. Cam tells the waiter our reservations and we get seated. We ordered our food and we just started talking while we waited.

"Excuse me I need to go to the restroom. Ill be back" I say.

~cam's pov~

"Idk how i want to do this. I really should of thought this out. Should i put it by her plate. No thats stupid. Maybe i should just keep it then show it to her when i pop the question. Yeah im just gonna do that. Yeah thats smart. Oh here she comes look natural"

~your pov~
I walk out of the restroom and walk back to my table seeing Cam making a weird face.

"Honey what are you doing?" I ask chucking sitting down.

"Acting natural"

"Your such a goofball!" We both start laughing.

Cam and I finish up our meal, then we sit there for a while talking. I look at my phone for one second and then look back at cam and he is kneeling on one knee.

"Omg" i say tearing up.

" (y/n) we have been together for five years now. They have been the best five years of my life. I dont know what i would do without you with me. You are my everything and i want you to be my forever. Will you marry me" cam says pulling out a diamond ring.

"Yes yes yes! Yes i will marry you" cam gets up and puts the ring on my finger. We hug and kiss and everyone around starts clapping.

Best Birthday Ever!!

Hello Darling!
Hope you guys have a good day or night! Idk when you read this but yeah! Hope you liked it.

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