Imagine #37 Photograph

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I got the idea of this story from @KCoverGirl247. She writes amazing stories and i love her writings! Thank you for letting me use this story<3 P.S. imagine based on song Photograph by Ed Sheeran.

Cameron and I were at the airport waiting for his plane. Cam has to go on a four month Europe trip. This will be the longest we have ever been away from each other.

"Flight 23 airlines will be boarding in 10 minutes." A lady speaks over the intercom.

"Thats me." He says, standing up.

"Do you have to go?" I ask on the verge of tears.

"(Y/N), you know i do. Its for my job." He hugs me.

"I dont want you to go. This is going to be the longest you have ever been gone."

"I know babe." He says kissing my forehead. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a photo. "Here" he hands it to me. I look at it and its a photo from our first date.


Cam and I were sitting at the beach. We were having a picnic and I thought we should take a picture together. We couldnt get a right angle so we asked someone to take it for us.

"You should hop on my back." Cam says. So I hop on his back and the person taking the picture was counting down. When the person said one i kissed Cam's cheek. Cam made a surprised face and thats how our picture turned out.

"You are a very lovely couple." The person said. I didnt know what to say because I didnt know if cam and i were considerd a couple. So i just smiled.

"Thank you. She makes me happy." Cam says hugging me. The person smiles and walks away.

"So... Are you saying we are a couple? We've only gone on one date." I say

"I know it is early, but I like you a lot. I can see myself with you for a long time. So will you be my girl?" He says with a grin.

"Yeah. Id like that." I say kissing his cheek.

~End of Flashback~

"Its from our first date." I say tearing up.

"I know I made you and I a copy. Just look at this photograph and think of our memories we made just for us. Keep this in your pocket and Until we see each other again. Ill do the same. When you get lonely look at it and remember Im always going to love you. Just promise me one thing."
He looks at me with tears in his eyes. I nod my head. If i speak ill probably start crying.

"Promise me, you wait for me to come home." He says with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I promise." I say hugging him.

"Flight 23 airlines will now board." I give him a sad look.

"Bye baby girl. Ill be back soon. I promise." He says giving me a big kiss and hug.

"I love you Cameron Dallas."

"I love you too (Y/F/N) (full name)." I watch him walk onto the plane and take off.

"Ill wait for you." I say and go home.

Hi my darling people! I have been feeling a little better. Thank you everyone for the prayers and best wishes. It truely means a lot. I love you guys<3 thank you!(:

I hoped you liked the imagine! I am going to try to write more. I know I say that a lot, and I am truely sorry.

Hope you all have a good day/night!


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