Chapter 2

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My body was shaking with anticipation as I tried to sneak across the old, creaky floor boards.

'Waking Ian up would be a nightmare. He'd want me to stay and be his little arm trophy for the rest of the day.' I think with an exaggerated eye roll.

I opened the door praying to the gods it doesn't creak. I slowly closed the door with a 'click' then hastily slid my black mary janes on.

I ran.

Or tried to.

crowded places were difficult to run in. I ended up settling for a speed walk. I was heading straight for the castle. I ignored the aching in my stomach and the dryness of my throat. I could worry about all of that after I got a job.

'I said I would work any job, but I'm gonna be pissed if they make me clean the stables.' I thought somewhat fearing that they were gonna make me work outside, I heard their winters got below the negatives.

In the southern continent we only had 2 seasons summer and sall. Summer was hot and dry. Most days, I thought I'd melt. Sall is warm and the sun caresses your skin perfectly, but there's a cold breeze in the air that'll chill you to your bones if you're not careful.

I'll miss that about home. The never varying seasons and the warm skies. I miss my home already. I'm here for a reason though, and if i don't get this job my family is going to starve. I'm willing to do anything. Anything to give them a better life.

I was slightly out of breath when I reached the castle. The grand black gates and guards clad in silvery black uniforms were the only things keeping me from barging in and demanding I get a job.

Before I could take a step closer, the garuds crossed their swords over the gate in an 'X' shape.

"I'd like to see the head maid. I want to ask for a job." I said firmly. I was not about to let some dumb power-hungry guards get in my way.

"We do not need anymore maids." The guard on the left stated in a bored tone, glaring in my direction.

"Let her in, and stop being so rude to possible applicants." Someone from behind the gates scolded.

"Uhm... hello?" I said unsure of who was back there.

The guards sighed and swung open the gates with a grunt . The guard on the left glared at me as I walked through. I turned my head and stuck my tongue out in a playful manner.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed him roll his eyes. I couldn't contain the small smirk that made its way onto my lips.

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