The Introduction

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Kira and her family lived in the country almost all alone. Her father Zayden is in the military, He's been in the military for 7 years now. They do call each other a lot, Zayden and Kira that is. Kira's mother Amberly, is too scared to him because she has gotten so lonely that she has started to partake in cheating on him and doesn't want him to find out. Kira really out of anything in the world is just wanting Zayden to come home and be her dad again. Her friends always helped her though. ( Robbie, Brookland, Trey, Cutler, and Poison!) They really helped her with the abuse from her mother and her soon-to-be step-father, Harald. The abuse started when Amberly smacked Kira and Harald thought he would try and I pressed Amberly by beating Kira she was bleeding everywhere! After that, Amberly threatened Kara that if she ever tell Zayden that she was cheating on him she would be killed before Zayden can even answer the phone.

This was the first chapter, how'd you guys think it was it's very short I get that but I.... That's all I had written on paper for he first chapter...

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