The Dream

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Kira started to wake up, the morning before was hard because she had woken up to the sound of a chainsaw right next to her bed! Amberly and Harald always told Kara that they would use the chainsaw to take off some of her limbs, but she never thought they would actually do it! Later I found out that Harold got mad that Amberly felt bad for Kira so while they slept, Harold grabbed the chainsaw and tried to decapitate Kara but Amberly took the chainsaw before he could try to do so. That hit the end of the cliff, ever since then they have never stopped fighting. Harold hates it when Kira has amazing dreams, he believes that she can only dream Terrors because Kira has a great relationship with her whole family... except Harold.

Once again common a very short chapter. I know it's annoying but this is all I have for the second chapter and I'm really looking forward just finding those other paragraph like chapters, and telling them to you! Also, I forgot to say the amends for this chapter is Amberly, but the current cover of the book is Kira!

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