Chapter 18 - Shielding Leaves

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The next morning, Sage woke to a little green heart-shaped leaf in his face. He lifted his head to see his plant next to the bed. One of the stems partly rested on his mattress. Sage hadn't called anyone at the Palace. Taro hadn't mentioned bringing the plant with him.

He sat up and wrapped the cord around the base of the plant pot. The leaves wobbled with the movement. Sage now had to deal with not only a creepy castle, but a plant that seemed to have a mind of its own.

Sage hurried across the cold floor and into his bathroom. He almost dressed himself after remembering Taro's bold hands last night. He paced the large room back and forth. If you won't fire him, then just... Sage stopped in the sunlight. He closed his eyes and imagined a life he wanted. More than anything, Sage wanted peace, and to get peace, he had to be true to himself. I can handle him. I can handle another man flirting at me.

Taro didn't come when Sage pulled the cord for his Valet. He waited almost thirty minutes before leaving his bedroom to look left and right down his hallway. Now grumpy, Sage stormed to the end of the corridor and glared down the staircase. The Castle was as quiet as if he were the only living being within its walls.

"I'll dress myself then," he muttered and returned to his room, only to see Taro standing by his bed with messy blond hair, shirt buttoned up wrong, and no shoes on his feet.

"What in the world-"

"I woke up late." Taro's pale cheeks were flushed. He looked stressed.

"How did you get in here?"

"Secret door."

"No really, how?"

"There's a secret door down the corridor. Uh, the cook told me last night when I asked about the castle." Taro quickly rebuttoned his shirt and smoothed back his hair. He was still missing his waistcoat and blazer. "Am I fired?"

"You've worked with me for a week and you've asked me that more than once. That's not a good look, Mister Vinea." Sage didn't know how to feel now that Taro was in front of him. He had been inappropriate, but Sage had allowed it, until the weight of such an act crushed him.

"Yet I'm still here, ironing your shirts." Taro smiled and edged around the Prince. "So, fired or no fired? What's the verdict?"

Sage's eyes followed him to the suitcase. "I should fire you."

"You're hesitating."

"I really don't know why," Sage replied, and Taro sighed.

"Are we going to have this conversation over and over until you accept the fact that I'm good looking and you enjoy being dressed by a younger guy?"

Sage was stunned by the truth. He opened his mouth to deny Taro's claims, but he couldn't lie. "You need to keep your voice down."

Taro shut the door and leant against it. "If you're uncomfortable, then tell me to be more professional."

Sage tried to do that too, but the feeling of his palm on Sage's chest returned and his heart fluttered. He cleared his throat and faced the mirror. "It's cold today. I'll need a jumper to go with the outfit I picked out last night." He saw Taro smirk in the reflection. Yet again, Sage had let him get away with it.

Taro gave Sage his shirt and his hands held the bottom button. "Stop me, if this is inappropriate," he said, fiddling the shirt closed.

Sage watched his pale hands with the green nails. "You know its inappropriate. I told you so last night."

"So, stop me." Taro continued to button up his shirt. "Or just enjoy it. You're allowed to be attracted to me. It's impossible not to be."

Sage scoffed. "Your confidence is almost admirable."

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