Chapter 63 - Arduous Decisions

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Sage lunged forwards and hugged his younger brother. He was thankful to feel his arms forming tightly around him. A small part of Sage wondered how accepting Oxley would be, and a part of him knew their brotherly bond was strong enough to love each other no matter what.

"How are you?" Oxley asked into his shoulder.

"Right now, I'm okay," Sage replied, not wanting to tell him that his hope had thinned to a single strand, barely able to keep his body and mind connected. "And you?"

"Same." He pulled back and shrugged. "Can we talk privately?" His dark eyes travelled carelessly over the guards and then over Katie's parents hovering in the doorway. His gaze lingered until they bowed.

"This is Mister and Mrs's Silvoke, they own this farm and have been incredibly kind to offer us their hospitality."

"Yes," Oxley mumbled. Offering them only a polite smile. "Can we have tea, please?"

Sage's face flushed with embarrassment. He mouthed an apology on the way to the kitchen. Katie's parents understood, while Taro glared coldly at the back of Oxley's head.

They sat in silence at the kitchen table as Fergus hurried to get a pot of hot tea between them. Once they were alone, Oxley sank into his chair. "So, you and your valet," he said after sipping his tea and making a face of disgust.

"Stop being such a snob." Sage crossed his arms. "You were rude to Katie's parents."

"Who's Katie?"

"A maid at the cottage. She offered her parents farm as a place to hide. You need to talk to them about how grateful you are that they have given me a place to stay, a safe place to stay."

"You shouldn't have left the cottage. Do you know how dangerous it is to trust strangers? You're Prince Sage, you can't trust . . . strangers . . ." Taro had strolled into the kitchen and stood by the table. "Leave us to speak alone please."

Sage pulled out a chair and to Oxley's annoyance, Taro sat down. "You've come here with a lot of judgement," Sage observed. Oxley lowered his gaze to the marked table. "I'm glad to see you, but it seems like you're here because you have to be. You're worried I'll be forced to abdicate, and you'll have to be King. Is that why you're really here?"

"That's a part of why I'm here. Actually, I'm here for a few reasons, the first and main one was to check that you're okay. Now that I see that you are, the second most important thing is that I need to tell you everything. You know that something had been going on with Uncle Patrick for a while before he was murdered." Oxley paused and stared at Taro as though he wanted him to leave.

"Uncle Patrick was gay. Is that why everyone calls him a traitor?"

"Who told you?"

Sage clutched at his own hands. "I should have been told from the beginning."

"I agree." Oxley shuffled uncomfortably on his seat. "I feel like mum and dad should be here. They need to be a part of this conversation."

"Why are they not here?"

Oxley's mouth curled downwards. His dark skin creased between his dark brows. "They're not happy about you and Taro. I think they're more frustrated that you're dating Taro Vinea, your Valet, rather than how you're dating another man. But they're still not happy about that."

Sage felt any remaining hope leaving him through a slow exhale. "They're not okay with me being gay?"


The world muffled. Everything sounded distant, and he felt cold and isolated until Taro's warm hand rested on his thigh underneath the table. Sage glanced at him, knowing he would never be alone. He desperately clawed his mind back from the darkness. "But you still don't want me to abdicate."

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