jason the toymaker smell something sweet

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Jason the toymaker was with y/n but he smell something

Y/n: j j jason what you smell it's the food

Jason smell it was near him it y/n's hair he grab y/n pin her down

Y/n: j j jason what you doing ?

Jason the toymaker smell her hair it was sweet like cotton candy then he get up y/n was blush little bit

Next day

Y/n smell perfume she go down it was jason then she smell his neck

Jason the toymaker: y y y y/n what you doing now to me now

Then y/n rag him to her bed he sit down then y/n get closer to his neck and smell she enjoy the smell so good but she couldn't hold back herself then she pin him down on the bed then she smell his neck again

Jason the toymaker: 0/////0 y/n that enough please stop it * hands were on jason wrist then he look up to y/n * y y y y/n stop Please oh my creepypasta     * breathe* just stop please I don't want to teese you * breathe * o k if your not listening to me I guess that * y/n stop smell his neck her head was off his neck y/n look down at jason he was red than his hair

Y/n: am sorry that I smell you're neck I couldn't help myself you know

Jason the toymaker : y/n did like the um the um you um you know

Y/n: what ?

Jason the toymaker: I kinda use the perfume man


Jason the toymaker got near y/n but.   y/n turn her head and get up

Y/n: well then um you want to hang out again if you want to

Jason the toymaker grab y/n's wrist

Y/n: * gasp*

Jason the toymaker: y/n I want tell you something first

Y/n: ye yes 0///0

Jason the toymaker pull her on his lap

Jason the toymaker: I know some creepypasta will be surprised about us but I like you  I like the way you are if you dress up it was Werid that you look like a tokyo ghoul girl and with wig with a haft black and grey too and it was cute

Y/n: does that mean that you like my outfit ?

Jason the toymaker: it means that I love you

Y/n was shocked just like in my dreams but he right front of me if this not a dream at all I want tell him I love him too

Jason the toymaker: y/n? Why your have tears in eyes

Y/n: I I I I love you too jason the toymaker thses happy tears

Jason the toymaker quickly kiss her lips y/n rap her arms around his neck then jason put his hands on her wips the kiss lest forever then we stop kissing then y/n was happy that he's your creepypasta boyfriend now then you and Jason lay on your bed you two were cuddling then her mom knocked

Y/n mom: y/n jason are you two are ok

Y/n: yes mom never be happer

Y/n mom gasp then go downstairs tell slendy and his creepypasta too and y/n dad too

Both of them gasp 

Y/n and jason go downstairs then y/n mom and dad saw y/n hold hands with jason then her mom squeal that she is happy that she choose jason the toymaker then he ask her some day

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