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Ok, guys so before moving on to the shot I just wanted to thank some of you. I wanted to thank @mydogs13 for all the support and I wanted to thank EverlarkMyOTP (sorry I'm struggling to get it right) and of course, I want to thank all of you who took the time to read my book. After that, I want to ask you guys for some help. I still have ideas for the story, don't worry, but I don't want to have to stop because I run out. So if any of you have any ideas, please let me know. And yet again thanks to Mydogs13 for already giving me an idea. Moving on to the story.

@EverlarkMyOTP and @mydogs13

ruby's POV

Liam is my best friend. Well, he was still a while ago. Lee protects me from a lot. Whenever he's sleeping over and I discover a furry monster with 8 legs he helps me. But recently the (ugly may I add) monster got bigger and more serious.

Before I transferred to Virginia beach high school I stayed at a boarding school. This school was called Thurmond and at Thurmond, I had a boyfriend. So Thurmond was hell on earth and the reason I was there is that my parents got into a car accident causing them to have brain damage. It wasn't really bad except for the most awful part, they forgot ME. Seeing that at the time my grams couldn't take care of me I had to go off to foster care. I didn't like foster care (and this is the only thing I'm grateful for), but I got them to send me away to a boarding school. I was 10 at the time and I was excited, till I got there. Thurmond is just awful.

Lucky me I made friends. My best friend was/is called Sam. We still call every day and I love her to pieces (friendly love). Then I started getting older and seeing they spilled girls and boys we never interacted with them. Until one day, there was this boy about 3 years ago. He was the son of the headmaster so he could go anywhere he wanted. The first time we saw him we melted, he was the most handsome boy we had ever seen (we had seen boys just never interacted with them). Clancy, being the lady's man he is, hung out with us and flirted with us. It wasn't until a few months later he started to take a liking towards me. Not even a week after that we started dating.

I was happy and sad at the same time when grams was finally ready to take me in. She had moved into a bigger house and now I was 16 I could take care of her. Sadly I would have to leave Sam and Clancy behind. Clancy was my boyfriend for 2 years and Sam had always been my bestie like I said. I was so lucky that Clancy was my boyfriend, he got his dad to give Sam a phone and he got permission to visit me. My life here began.

I met Liam and he was amazing. He and Vida helped me the first day and ever since we've been best friends, apart from Sam and me I. Clancy would visit every other weekend and I would call Sam every day. My life was perfect. Until the party. 

As soon as I moved here a lot of boys started hitting on me and it was kinda scary. Because of this I was popular and would be invited to every party.  I didn't go to a lot though, most were on the weekend and Clancy didn't want me going. He's kinda possessive.  Liam and Vida did drag me to a few party's though and I found that I enjoyed them. 

So one weekend I had Clancy over and I asked him if he wanted to go to a party. He was fine with it, but (here come's the possessive part) he wanted to stay with me the whole night. The entire night! Then I introduced him to Vida and Liam. He seemed to like Vida, he was a huge flirt even though he was my boyfriend. But when he saw Lee he was less excited. 'Who's this?' he had asked angrily as I tried to convince him that Lee was just a friend. A good friend yes, but just a friend. In the end, luckily Clancy agreed and we planned for the party. Vida and I ran to the stores leaving Clancy and Liam behind. When we came back they were dressed, so we hurried up. What? It only took 40 minutes! Then we all stepped into Clancy's car and drove to the party.

At the party still Ruby's POV

I was enjoying myself a lot and so was Clancy. Vida was off with Chubs, who still hadn't warmed up to me, and Liam tried to stay with us but got third-wield a lot. After 20 minutes Liam gave up and it was just Clancy and me. At first, it was fine, but then the popular group came up and asked who he was. I was fine with it at first and introduced Clancy to them. Then they started getting all boyish and drunk so I snuck off to find Liam. I found him somewhere in a corner and sat next to him. We were having fun until he showed up again.

Clancy came up to us, he was drunk may I add, and just started shouting at me. Then he took me outside leaving a frantic Liam. He was angry at me because I left him and I had promised to stay the entire night. Then he pulled me to him for a kiss. What the hell is wrong with him?!? First, he says yes to going to the party then he gets drunk, and then to top it all of he gets mad at me!?! He's being serious?!? Then he tries to kiss me?!? When Clancy sees the look on my face he gets furious. He starts shouting even more words I can't understand. Then he forcefully kisses me and as soon as I try to pull away I see his car pulling up.

'We're going hunny' he whispers as if I want to come! Then it becomes too much and I start crying. Clancy takes me while he's still kissing me. Then as soon as he makes it a yard I start thrashing, but he's too strong. That's when my guardian angel comes. Liam comes running to help me. He pushes Clancy aside and wraps me up in a hug. I cry on his shoulder and hug back. While Liam is shouting things at Clancy it all becomes too much and I break down again. I'm not much of a crier but this is just all... I don't know, too much? 

When Liam notices I'm having a mental breakdown he starts whispering soothing things in my ear. I slowly start to calm down breathing in his scent. Then he puts me down and I look Clancy in the eye. 'We're breaking up, sorry not sorry I say as bitter as I can. I cast one last glance at the dumbfounded and angry Clancy before I walk away with Liam. The last thing I hear C says is 'just you wait, Ruby Daly, you'll be mine'.

As soon as we're out of Clancy's sight Lee pulls me to him. 'You ok?' he knows it's a stupid question but in some way it helps. I hug him once again and with that, we walk away. We came here in Clancy's car so Lee and I walk back to my house. When we're there Lee starts to leave, but I don't let him. 'Please, just stay the night?' I ask desperately, somehow he knows I just don't want to sleep alone and he agrees. He comforts me the rest of the night and the next morning.

Liam's POV


'Ehm, Ruby? What's your answer?' I ask nervously. No! I just ruined everything. But Ruby looks at me confused, she didn't hear me? Thank god! 'Sorry lee, just thinking about you know'. At first, I'm confused and then I see the look on her face. She was thinking about him again. I pull her into a comforting hug like I've done many times these past months. Now's not the right time Liam, I tell myself silently. 'What were you saying?' Ruby asks curiously. Somehow I find the courage and I ask her. After months of keeping it in. Silently crushing on her.

'Will you be my girlfriend?'

That was yet again a story written during a boring online class. Sorry if some parts don't add up,  I had to pay attention at some moments. This is my longest chapter so far. Please let me know if you like it. I'm also working on part 2 for 'just a normal school, life'. love you guys!

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