just a normal school, life 2

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ok so I'm currently suffering writer's block and now I'm considering changing this book. I've been wanting to do some other ships too, but I don't have enough ideas for a whole book. So I'm probably going to add to this one. I'm still only considering though.

After grams gave me the okay Liam ran downstairs to order pizza. His parents weren't home and Cole wasn't here either. So we just decided to watch a movie and ordered some pizza. I liked the idea and above that, I wanted to get to know Liam better. When Liam came up again he smiled at me and turned on his TV. "Pizza's gonna be here in 15 minutes",  he said and then added, "what do you wanna watch?" I had no clue and just told him to choose something, like this he wouldn't hate the movie and I'd get to know what he likes. 

We sat down on his bed and started the movie. He chose a romantic comedy explaining he didn't like to watch violence or anything sad. I made a mental note to go to Vida whenever I wanted to watch any sort of action. We were 10 minutes in when the doorbell rang. The pizza. Liam got up and walked downstairs, once again leaving me alone to admire his room. Then I noticed there wasn't anywhere where I could sleep.

As soon as Liam got up with the pizza I asked him about it. Earning a nervous laugh followed by the answer that he hadn't that about that. Then another problem entered my stupid brain. I don't have any stuff!! "Oh that one I did think about, you can borrow one of our extra toothbrushes, which have not been used, and you can just wear the same clothes tomorrow." But I need PJ's. "Ehm, I haven't thought about that. Sorry." Wow, I really can't think something without actually saying it out loud, can I? "Nope"

After a lot of thinking we just figured I could sleep in Liam's bed while he would take the couch. Of course, I argued but he insisted on it so I just gave the okay. Then the only problem where my pajamas, which Liam solved by handing me one of his shirts. This made me blush even more as I ran to the bathroom to put it on. After we were all done we continued the movie.

I wake up the next morning yawning. Where am I? Oh, yes, of course, I'm at Liam's. I turn my head to find Liam sleeping soundly next to me. He's so cute and peaceful when he sleeps. Like all the worry in the world left his face. I continue admiring Liam as I get a weird feeling in my stomach. No, I can't be falling for the handsome boy laying next to me right now. Wait!! Next to me?!? Liam and I slept in the same bed?!? 

I started panicking, I had a boyfriend! I know Clancy couldn't find out about this, but then again I felt bad towards him. Not that he did deserve my pity. Clancy was mean and manipulative, but I couldn't break up with him. My best friend, Sam, was still at the boarding school with me. Could I continue being with him? I mean I liked Liam. And above that Clancy was an ass. He wouldn't care, right? He was probably already dating another girl and forgot all about me.

I was deep in my thoughts when I heard Liam stir. He stretched and a surprised look came across his face when he noticed me sitting next to him. The surprised look suddenly turned embarrassed when his mind caught up to where we were. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry Ruby!" he exclaimed. He was blushing hard and had a genuinely apologetic look on his face. It was at this moment when I wondered how my mind could have even traveled to Clancy. Liam was here and Clancy didn't matter. Sam was strong and most of all she hated me being with Clancy, she just hated everything that evolved around him.

This is why the text I got a few hours later didn't even bother me. It did quite the opposite. Liam and I were having a great day when Sam sent me a text. Clancy was indeed dating another girl. I wasted no time calling him, I pretended to be upset and broke up with him telling him what Sam had told me. I thanked Sam a lot after that and I could tell she was really happy. 

Liam and I got only closer after my break up with ego boy. There were no boundaries because I was single and shortly after the break up we even started dating. Clancy came back begging me to get back together but I wasn't having it. Liam and I were a happy couple. Vida was over the moon when I told her. She wanted all the details on our relationship. It was rather annoying. Lucky for me the table turned when a few months later Vida and Chubs got together.

Everyone was very happy and in healthy relationships. Yet another theory of mine was proven when I went to visit my parents. My mother was cheating and didn't want any children. This is why she send me away as soon as possible and my father had to say goodbye. When I arrived he cried out of happiness that I was okay and we're on good terms now.

My life is perfect. I have 2 amazing best friends. An amazing husband and an amazing soon-to-be child. Even if my life was rough in the past, I pulled through. And now? I'm as happy as ever and my family is complete.

I had no idea where I was going with this. Don't know if it's good though, I didn't proofread it. I think I'm doing a VidaxCharles soon and also a Clato shot is on her way. I even want to make some Mileven shots. I don't have any idea what to call the book if I do though. Or for a cover for that matter. Help is always welcome.

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