Part 2 - Andy at St Trinian's

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Sorry about the technical issues that meant parts 2-8 weren't posted they should be fixed by now

Down in the captains office (Andy's office) they all sat around phone on speaker as the phone to Sullivan's place began ringing, "Hello?" All at once the group began yelling on top of each other, "Oy cut it out now Jack what is going on?" "It's Andy we caught her staring into the sink blood everywhere and she was just watching it smiling creepily," "Okay that's odd," "There's more it was her own blood," "Oh my god, I didn't think it would ever happen," "What, what are you talking about?" "My sister went to school with her though she was in a younger year well they all predicted Andy would be a registered serial killer by 25, St. Trinian's. To be fair that school was finally shut down when she was 14 good riddance might I add you name it those girls did it. Now bye."

"She went to St Trinian's, St Trinian's oh, oh that explains so much," Jack gasped, as they all sat down, "Sorry I just have to ask, Andy!" Vic yelled racing upstairs, "What?!" "I just have to ask did you go to St Trinian's?" 

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