The Plan

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The search party went into the room to find the big opponent preparing for the big fight.

"That is one big Luchador!" Exclaimed Isabella.

"I've seen bigger", Said Valentino.

"Are you sure going into the fight would bring Victor back to us?" Asked Achi.

"It has to work", Said Charlene, "I really can't live without him around".

"And we can't live with him around this town", The Flea grunted.

There wasn't enough time for introductions other than knowing they were coming for Victor. So they had to skip to planning immediately.

"So all we have to do is head to this guy's side of the ring", Said Buena Girl, "Then you guys act like you're being held hostage by him and Victor will come to your aid and beat up the gigante and save ya! So all will be forgiven".

"Seems like a lot of work", Isabella responded.

"But it will be worthwhile once you get the hang of this", Rikochet replied.

As the gang rehearsed their plan, VicToro was finishing up his training for tonight's big fight. As he finished off charging his signature move, he suddenly felt another sense of energy from inside his pocket watch. He opened it up and saw his family photo glowing magenta. The color glowed on and off as he stared down at the faces of his brother and grandma.

"Could it be?" Victor wondered to himself, "It's sensing that Val is near, but why should I worry? He's safe back at Monte Macabre with Chata, Isabella, and..."

He paused as he heard the sobs of Charlene through the amulet, begging for him to come back to her.

"Charlene... so she really did care for me. I just couldn't see it through my grief. I did see that Tez was the one who made her the way she was... that fool. But... does this mean that... I am still needed back home?"

Victor felt his broken heart welding back together as he realized his mistake, but the fight was drawing near. So he decided to finish preparing for it. He didn't know that he was about to encounter with his comrades once more.

Victor And Valentino: No Further Purpose Where stories live. Discover now