Useful No More

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As the moon began to rise, Victor quietly approached the sweet shelter of home. He tried to get in without being noticed, but something through the window had caught his eye.

He looked through his mask and saw that Isabella was in the bedroom with her belongings being put in place.

"What the?!"

Victor exclaimed,

"Why is she moving in to my spot?! I sleep there!"

Nobody in the house took notice.

Isabella went back downstairs where Valentino was watching a sad movie on Encore. She sat down on the couch next to him and they watched the saddest part, just as Victor was trying to find a traffic cone to use as a hearing aid to listen to what was going on in there.

By the time he did, Val and Isabella were in the kitchen talking about it. And that conversation was about to take effect.

"It's such a shame", Said Valentino,

"That poor thing. Taken from the world after his life's purpose was done".

Vic was hearing the talk through the cone he was using. He started to feel uneasy listening to the conversation.

"Of course", Isabella replied, "especially poor Victor. Same thing happened to him. At least we can move on thanks to his sacrifice".

Victor gasped.

"What?! They can't move on without me! I'm still alive! I am not an underworld citizen!"

Vic barged into the house, looking for Chata. She was fast asleep, impossible to wake her up until morning. He then went up the stairs and saw his stuff near the attic's entrance.

The bedroom door was a bit opened and he peeked inside. Val and Isabella were snuggling in the bed together with the blanket covering them from seeing Vic and hearing him.

What Victor saw was the final nail in the coffin. The photo of himself was on the floor, with the glass protecting it cracked and some dirt on it.

That was the final straw. Victor finally realized what this meant.

"I can't believe it's come to this!" Victor sobbed, "I saved their lives and they shrugged it off like they're in a dumb sitcom!"

He then sorrowfully took his skateboard, his El Toro costume, and his backpack from the pile and slumped down the stairs. He wrote a note on the door, taped it on, and walked out.

"If Val doesn't think I'm useful anymore after all we've been through", Vic moaned, "Then this town ain't anything to me anymore".

He put down his skateboard and was about to ride it when suddenly, Huitzi flew right in front of him. The hummingbird tried poking Vic to let him change his mind, but depression already beat him to it.

"I'm sorry that I have to go Huitzi", Victor sobbed,

"But what Val said to me was final. I have outlived my purpose. This whole town doesn't want a little trouble making brother anymore. I will find a new place where I belong though. Somewhere I can be the amigo that everyone depends on. I don't want you hurt in my journey. Please take good care of Val when I'm off".

With that, the two hugged one last time and Victor Calavera rolled away on his skateboard away from Monte Macabre. Huitzi sadly watched as the shine of Vic's helmet faded from sight.

Victor And Valentino: No Further Purpose Where stories live. Discover now