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I'm woken by Diego screaming into a telephone. He's always screaming.

"You killed one of ours, Olga, now we're coming after you. You will be dead by nightfall." Diego says as I round the corner into the kitchen, rubbing sleep out of my eyes.

"Hey. It's Öga För Öga, idiots." Five says, coming into the kitchen as well. He's coated in blood, at least it doesn't seem like his own. "Swedish for "an eye for an eye." It means the Swedes killed Elliott."

"Wrong number. Have a lovely day."

"We would've gotten there." Luther says, "Eventually."

"Yeah." Diego says and I let out a small laugh. Everyone turns to me, seemingly noticing my presence for the first time, as I toss a wet cloth at Five to clean the blood off his face.

"Uh, you have some blood on you."

"A lot of blood, actually."

"Five, what did you do?"

"Nothing of importance." Five says as he heads to the bathroom to clean himself up, and he continues talking to us as he does so. "So I found a way home-"

"What? How?" Luther exclaims as we all stand there in shock, our jaws on the floor.

"All the details are irrelevant, but... I made a deal to get back to our timeline."

"What about doomsday?"

"Won't happen."

"And the 2019 apocalypse?" Diego asks.

"Everything will be back to normal. All right? Now, no more questions. We gotta go." Five says with a sigh as he finally comes out of the bathroom. "Karla, you mind?" He asks, gesturing to the deep gash on his head. I place me hand on his forehead and work on putting him back together as he gives out instructions. "Luther, you get Allison.  Diego and Karla, Klaus. I'll get Vanya. Now, we meet back in the arrival alley in 77 minutes. Here." He steps away from me, his forehead looking good as new, and hands each of us a watch. "I've synchronized these watches."

"Okay, let's do this." Luther says with a shrug, putting his watch on as I do the same.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on." Diego says, waving his watch around as he talks. "You show up drenched in blood and expect us to believe everything's gonna go back to normal if we go home now?"

"Elliott just got killed because of us." Five yells at him. Diego isn't grasping the severity of the situation, I may be a dumbass but even I get it.

"What about Dad? What about JFK?"

"Diego, we have a chance to go home and make things right. We are taking it."

"I have to say goodbye to Lila."

"Lila doesn't give a shit about you, Diego! She never did. She's one of them. She's a member of the Commission."

"No way. Not possible."

"She was just using you to get to me. You're the Oswald of this story, my friend. The goddamned patsy."

I take a step towards the two, ready to defend Diego. I think deep down he knew that Lila had something she was hiding, and I'm sure Five knew that he knew, there's no reason to be this mean.

"You don't know what you're talk-"

"If you don't do this, I'll kill you myself. Got it?" And with that, Five blinks out.

Luther awkwardly puts a hand on Diego's shoulder, "Women, am I right?"

No one responds to him. Me and Diego just glare at him before he throws his hands in the air, walking out the front door.

The Corpsewoman | Ben Hargreeves x OC |Where stories live. Discover now