3. Who Is It?

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"What?" I said sleepily. "It's time to get up." Lilly said. "Lilly I thought I told you I don't get up before the sun rises completely." I groaned

"Well, today you do." I grabbed a pillow and threw it at her. "Hey! Don't throw things" she yelled, "Stop yelling and leave then I'll consider that." I answered.

Then my blanket was ripped off of me. "That was the last straw, Lill" then I launched myself onto her and we tumbled onto the floor.

"Ouch! Viviiiiiii" she whined. "don't wake me up and that won't happen next time" I suggest.

"Your father wants you, by the way." "Great, now help me put on this wretched corset." I snapped

After I put on my dress (with the assistance of Lilly obviously) I went into my father's study "Papa?" I called. "Maus, there you are." he said "Shall we proceed with yesterday's conversation?"

"No Papa, shall we talk about the weather? Yes. What else?" I remarked

He let out a snort. "No need with the attitude."

I rolled my eyes. "Well?"

"Lord Bartek and Lord Cayson changed allies" he sighed, rubbing his temples. "What why?" I inquired "They didn't say. Which is why I need you to go find out why." He explained

"After that, we need to gain an even stronger alliance so I will leave one task to you and the other I'll go ahead and do."

"I'm honored" I said, giving a curtsey with a smirk on my face.

"Get out of here, maus." He said waving me away with a laugh

After breakfast which consisted of porridge, fish, eggs, and lemonade, I went up to the drawing-room to paint the flowers me and Sierra picked yesterday. I opened the door to the room and saw a man who I somewhat recognized turning the room upside-down.

"Excuse me good sir, but what the hell are you doing?" I demanded.

He slowly turned around and his face grew pale. "I-I-I uhm...I was j-just..look-looking for y-you-?" he stuttered

"That's oddly peculiar, cause I don't seem to recognize you." I said cocking my head to the side

"W-well.." before he said anything I cut him off "It doesn't matter right now. Who sent you here?" his face grew even paler "W-What do you mean? N-Nobody"

"Now now, I don't like being lied to." I said pulling out my dagger from my sleeve and twirling it around my hand

His face got even whiter than before and I didn't even think that was possible. I took a step forward while he took one backward "You have 3 seconds to speak before I kill you. It's your choice really." I shrugged.

"3..2..1!" With that, I took the dagger and threw it straight at his heart. I took a step closer when his body went limp and fell to the floor. I bent down and began to dig through his pockets when I found a crumpled-up letter.

I opened the letter and began to read it. I shook my head and said "I should've known"


"Lilly! Hurry up!" I called from outside. When there was no reply, I looked down at my wristwatch. "LILLY! WE HAVE 10 MINUTES GET YOUR ARSE OUT HERE!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Calm down." she grumbled walking outside. "I would have calmed down if you came out faster." I snapped "Now get on."

I helped Lilly up onto Dana, and we started off towards Sierra's cottage. When we reached the flower field, we got off to walk.

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