part 3...

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It was just a normal day and the lessons were going smoothly. When all of sudden the day took a massive halt. It was like a domino effect, the whole world came crashing down. I kept getting dirty looks from everyone in the corridors but I carried on walking and then it felt like everyone was following me and when I turned around I saw they were surrounding me and then I saw my one and only chance to get out, a small break in the circle and so I ran and ran not even knowing why I as running. I only stopped when I saw a storage room off to the side and I ran into it then locked it without thinking twice. But then I heard the thundering foots steps closing in and I could hear them chanting,
And I realised what they were talking about but did they know it was an accident. When the footsteps died out, I suspected that they went into the forest to look for me, when all of a sudden I felt a warm hand grab hold of my shoulder and turn me around.
"Sam-" I said quietly
But before I could finish I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and a warm liquid dripping on my skin when I looked down I saw a knife sticking out of my torso. And then everything went black.

I woke up and I realized I was screaming but I couldn't stop. Everyone from my suite came rushing in, ready for a fight. But they just found me in my bed, with my yellow pajamas on, hyperventilating trying to get air into her lungs. And the only words I could get out were,
"My Brothers"

And with that Aisha ran out the room to find my brothers my vision started going fuzzy until I couldn't make out the things in-front me. I felt two dips on my bed before I looked next to me and I could barely make out what they were telling me because I was focussing on how badly I needed my brothers. I could hear their footsteps coming into the room. But then I got very light headed and I passed out from the lack of oxygen.

When I woke up, I could see Zander, Sky and Silva talking in the corner very quietly. And then I realized that all the girls were gone, they most probably left when Silva came in or he had to chase them. As soon as Zander saw I was awake he said something to the others, the whispering stopped and they all rushed over to me with Sky and Zander sitting down in bed with me but Silva stayed standing, all of them giving me the same worried looks.
"How long have I been out?" I asked.

"20 minutes but its only 4:30." Said Sky in a very quiet voice.
"Lets just cut to the chase, are the dreams back?" Zander asked with a harsh but calming tone, it went dead silent that I could hear the crickets outside on the grounds.
"No" I said not wanting to elaborate.
They all gave me a concerned look and I could tell they didn't believe me.

"So, its a once off thing?" Asked Silva.
"Yes, I haven't had a dream like this in ages.'' I said starting to get agitated.
"Do you think the school is bringing the dreams back?" Sky asked.
"NO, GOSH!! JUST GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" I yelled, having enough of the questions.
"Hey hey calm down-" Silva said trying to calm me down.
"NO, GET OUT OF MY ROOM NOW!" I yelled for the second time.

They all gave me concerned looks but decided it was best to leave me be. So they left the room without another word. As soon as I couldn't hear them anymore I jumped out of my bed and got my running clothes on. I could hear all the girls outside talking about coming in to check on me, so I put my head phones on and jogged out my room with my music on full blast.

"Hey Luna-" Musa began

But I was already out the door, jogging down the corridor. I saw my brothers and Silva giving me a look that's mixed with concern and thought. But I kept on going until I was hit with the fresh air. I looked around to see where I should go and decided to run around the outskirts of the grounds. I couldn't tell how long I had been out there but the sun was just starting to rise over the tree tops. I didn't stop running, until I lost my footing and fell to the floor. I yelped in pain and I couldn't control my powers anymore. Fire was coming through my body and I didn't know how to stop it.

"ARGHHHHHHHHH!!" I screamed, the fire started to grow and grow.
My power was so strong that it started to burn me and the pain was just getting worse and my screams started sounding like bloody murder. And all I could hear was the beasts in the forest walking around. When all of a sudden I heard a calm, raspy voice....

"Luna?" The voice asked. "Calm down, its okay I'm here for you."
The fire calmed down and eventually stopped and when I looked up I saw Riven running to me.


word count: 916

the missing twin [winx saga]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon