part 18...

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Bloom and I walked straight out of the front gates of the school and down two blocks because we didn't want to be seen in case the school guards were doing their rounds. There was a slight breeze and slight drizzle coming from the clouds above but other than that it was a leisurely walk, except I was very grateful for my grey cashmere jersey that I was wearing. We waited at the corner for about eight minutes before Beatrix pulled up in a royal guards car. They wind started to pick up when we got in the car, Bloom sat in front with Beatrix and I sat in the middle seat in the back. I was concerned about what lengths Beatrix went to get this car but I didn't want to ask in case, she did something risky to get it. I kept on thinking that we were doing something very irresponsible and that we should turn back, return the car and apologise for what we did but I decided against that because I didn't want to sound like a goody two shoes princess I was. I decided to listen in to the conversation, Beatrix and Bloom were having in the front of the car. They were talking about the lady we saw in the dream we all had. They were saying how she must be a very powerful fairy if she can burn a memory into three different peoples minds. We spoke about this for about an hour because we kept on saying about how we want to be that powerful. The rest of the car ride was quiet with Bloom looking out her window, I was also looking out the front windshield so I could see where we were going and Beatrix was staying focused on the road so we wouldn't crash the car. We drove down winding roads and took many turns so if we got lost at any point we would have no way of getting back to the school. The car started to slow down and eventually came to a full stop. We were on the side of a cliff with green hills on one side and the ocean crashing down on rocks on the other side. But from what I could see there was no town named Aster Dale anywhere near us.

"Aster Dell was a town, right? Are you sure this is the right place?" I said giving Beatrix a very sceptical look. "I'm positive." She replied in a dark tone which sounded like she was hiding something. "How could a town be marked on a map if it's on the side of a mountain?" Bloom said as she also started to get sceptical. "What the hell is this place?" Bloom and I asked at the same time but as I turned around I saw Beatrix on the cliffs, conducting a lot of magic above her head and it looked like she was going to kill Bloom and I right on the spot. "You're not the only powerful fairies at Alfea." Beatrix said with a snarky grin on her face. "Beatrix, what are you doing?" Bloom said in a very panicked tone as she also turned around. Beatrix shot her magic over us and into the sky but it didn't last long because a barrier came down to reveal a war sight with destroyed buildings and ruins.

"Welcome to Aster Dell. It was a beautiful place. Full of people just trying to live their lives. Till one winter when Burned Ones surrounded the settlement, and a military unit from Alfea decided that destroying the creatures was more important than the lives of the people here." Beatrix said.

"This isn't real." I said looking at this place where I was supposedly born. "You're making this happen somehow." Bloom said straight after me.

"I'm piercing the magic veil that Queen Luna placed to hide the atrocities that happened here. Think about that. Leader of our realm tried to erase a war crime. I was born here, and my family died here. Two days before your First World birthday, Bloom and your Birthday, Luna." Beatrix said explaining some of the history. "So, you think that... our family was killed here?" I murmured. "Not think. Know. 'Cause everyone here died. Except me...and you two." Beatrix replied quickly.

"I don't understand. How could you know?" Bloom said sound just as upset as I felt. "I saw it. I saw the bodies, the death. Then someone scooped me up... carried me away. As we ran, I saw them, walking through the carnage like conquering heroes." Beatrix said staring at the carnage. "Who did you see?" I asked. "Dowling, Silva, Harvey." She replied just as I finished my question. "You were a baby. How would you know if that was real?" Bloom said trying to not believe that our teaches are serial killers. "How would you know..." I said. "Cause the woman who saved me used her magic to burn the memory into my mind. Sound familiar?" She said as Bloom and I just looked at her with sadness in our eyes.

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