🌸-the beach at night

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A/n: and she FINALLY posts. lets start off with some fluff shall we?

It was cold outside. Usually that would be unlikely, as they were at a resort, but tonight just felt less warm than usual.

And it had to be a night when Hajime couldn't sleep.

He lay awake in his bed, staring at the roof of his house. Whenever Hajime couldn't sleep, he would go out on a walk, look at some stars maybe, but he didn't feel like it.

Hajime lifted himself up and got out of the bed, pulling himself out of his cottage. Maybe it could help again. Maybe a walk would clear his mind. Even if he didn't feel like it, he knew it would probably work. So he headed out, and ended up going to the beach. After all, going to a beach at night usually looked beautiful.

A breeze blew past Hajime, making him shiver. He didn't realise how cold it was, so he considered going back, but decided against it.

"Can't sleep either?" A voice came from behind, so he turned to face the person he had heard. It was Nagito, his boyfriend. Hajime smiled, and walked over to Nagito, thinking that it would be nice to just, stargaze. Another breeze blew, Hajime shivered again and looked away for a second.

"I didn't realise that a resort like this could get cold." He giggled. Nagito giggled too, and took his hand.

"You sure feel cold." He thought about something, then took off his jacket and put it around Hajime. "Here, you need it more than I do."

"Thanks. You know I don't get how you can wear this all day and not sweat." This stirred laughter from the both of them. Hajime stared out to the sea, and focused on the waves crashing against the shore. Nagito stared at the sky, taking in the stars, and watching them twinkle.

"Hajime..." he tried to say something, but was stuck for words, which usually never happened to him. I guess a lot of unusual things were happening tonight.

Hajime turned to him again. "Yeah?" Then there was an awkward silence, as both boys stared at each other. It was hard to speak when there was really nothing to talk about.

"Nothing, forget I ever spoke." Nagito mainly focused on how Hajime looked at that moment. He had his hands in the jacket pockets, and there was a light pink dusting his cheeks. Maybe it was from the cold, maybe it was blush, he didn't know, Nagito did know that Hajime looked amazing, much better than himself.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Hajime finally caught on to the looks he was getting.

"No reason really, it's just you look far better than me in that jacket. Trash like me doesn't deserve someone as pretty as you."

"Nagito, stop putting yourself down. You're just as pretty."

Both were now blushing immensely, so something had to happen to crush the awkwardness the two were feeling.

So Nagito ran toward the ocean, and ended up tripping and falling into the water. He then just started laughing at himself.

"Wow, just my luck that I fell." Hajime ran over to him, and rolled up his jeans, kicked off his shoes and socks and joined Nagito in the water.

"Are you alright though?" He held out his hand, Nagito took it and got up. "I'm fine, just soaking wet." The water wasn't as cold as Hajime thought it would be, so he didn't mind being in it.

"Want this back then?" He pointed to the jacket, but Nagito shook his head.

"Nah, it's completely fine, I'm not that cold." Hajime led him out of the water, avoiding the large waves, and started to help him dry off. Eventually the two of them decided to walk along the beach and let the wind do it.

Surprisingly, the wind was picking up even more than earlier, and Nagito didn't even feel it. Hajime on the other hand was actually grateful for the jacket he had received, but was starting to question why his boyfriend wasn't freezing cold by now.

"So, you wanna head back to our cottages?" He asked.

"Sure." Nagito replied. Usually Nagito would of added more to that sentence, but Hajime figured that he would say something else later. They headed off from the beach, and took a short walk to the cottages. Hajime unlocked the door and was about to wave Nagito goodnight when he saw that Nagito hadn't left, and was in the doorway.

"You need something? If you want your jacket back-"

"Oh no, it's not about that." Nagito suddenly cut him off. "I was just wondering about something."

"That is?" Hajime was curious, but at the same time he didn't want to hear Nagito talk about whatever for twenty minutes.

"You should know Hajime, it's about when you go out at night. I wonder why, as going out at night is kind of dangerous."

Ahh, so that's what this is about. Hajime gave a short sigh and let Nagito come in so he could finally shut the door.

"I just go out when I can't sleep, there something wrong with that? There's nothing else I could think of." Nagito nodded and dropped the pointless topic. Silence came over them, as Hajime found himself yawning and feeling sleepy.

"Anyway," he removed the jacket, "here you go, I'm not feeling cold anymore, and I don't want to sweat."

Nagito however, didn't accept it. He sat down next to Hajime on his bed, and put it over his boyfriend's shoulders.

"No thanks, could you maybe hold onto it a little longer? you just look so much better than I do in it." He leaned forward, and they shared a quick kiss, then Hajime lay down on his bed.

"You can go if you want, or you can stay. I don't care." He said. Nagito lay down next to him, and they stared at the ceiling, before falling asleep. Well, Hajime fell asleep first, and when they both turned to their side, Nagito could feel Hajime put his arms around him and start cuddling him. He smiled, and watched how cute his boyfriend was while he was sleeping.

"Goodnight Hajime." He whispered really quietly, before falling asleep himself. It was a good night for those two. What else is there to say?

A/n: and we're done! This is the first one I've finished. I still have a few drafts, so I hope to finish those. But I leave you with this for now.

~author chan

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