🥀- i don't know

513 6 16

This is more Hajime angst then Komahina but oh well

This is more of a vent as well because what do you do when you're upset? Project it onto your comfort character!

It's short too sorry

Why am I here.

Awake so late at night.

That sounds silly, concerned about my sleep schedule when I'm a grown adult.

However, I wonder sometimes if this is all ok. If I'm ok.

No, I know I'm not okay. Both of them are gone, I'm the only one left of us.

Chiaki is dead, and Nagito....

Although he is still alive, he is very unstable, he could slip away any minute.

I lay underneath my covers, letting nothing into it. I just, don't feel like moving, I don't feel like doing anything.

Maybe if I just...

No, I can't die.

Everyone is outside, if I died now what would happen?

I guess it would impact everyone. I've done that much for everyone that it would be a waste to die.

It doesn't feel right to die.

But it doesn't feel right to live.

Right now, it's just like I'm an entity in this place. An empty shell of Hajime Hinata. Oh wait, I'm not a Hinata anymore. I'm a Komaeda.

How long have I been like this? I can't recall. It's been quite a while since I've even left my cottage.

The last time I went out was...

To visit Nagito.

I remember his last words to me like perfectly. We are married after all.

His last words to me?

"Continue to be the shining hope that you are to this world. Don't let me bring you down to despair."

Those words were...just like him. He knew he could of said anything yet decided to say that.

I expected nothing less from him.

I saw my alarm clock for a split second. It's four in the morning. That doesn't really matter.

All I want to do is lie here, but maybe I could finally get up.

How would that be like? I would get a lot of "you're finally up" or "how are you feeling?" And frankly that gets on my nerves.

Leave me alone please. That's all I want. I want to just be left alone, and maybe not treated like a little kid.

I think the only person who would truly understand would be Kazuichi.

Kazuichi is just like a brother to me. We look out for each other. He would definitely help me out.

If Chiaki were here, I think she would help too. But I can't go back on her now.

The past is in the past.

I hear that all the time and I'm getting sick of it.

I was literally a human experiment in the past!

Can you let that go? No. No you cannot.

And the killing game, the fucking killing game.

I had to accuse my friends of murder then watch them be executed by monokuma.

And I lost Chiaki! All there is of her now is just a hair clip, and a glitchy computer that nobody can work.

And of course, Nagito.

I was very weary of him during the game, yet afterward, I fell for him, and I fell hard.

But like all good things, he was taken away.

Well, he is slipping away slowly. His illness finally got to him.

I really hate it. I mean I haven't left my cottage since that day, so it made sense for people to now stay away.

I think...

I think I'll stay under the covers for a little bit longer.

This warmth, though it's not the same as the warmth I feel when I'm with Nagito, is the only thing keeping me going.

I wish, I wish I could just be happy.

But I-

I don't know

Btw I made up the plot. I just felt like shit in one of my classes and this was the first thing that came to mind.
At the time of finishing+posting this it happened a week ago, and I'm completely fine now.

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