chapter 10

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The song above is just kind of like the general vibe of the chapter, feel free to listen to it at any point :)

Lizzie's POV:

Flash forward to 5:00 p.m. after they get the drinks and food.

"Alright Liz, have you ever played a drinking game before?" Niall looks at me and I can feel the other boy's eyes on me as I shake my head no.

"No, before I met you guys, I had never really drank or smoked with other people due to the fact that I was terrified my brother would catch me and um... ya" I say trying not to admit anything, I am still way too sober to even bring my brother up. I don't talk to anyone about him, hell I usually don't talk when I'm around other people. Being with the boys they have definitely brought me out of my shell a little more, but my private life is still an uncomfortable topic.

"And what Liz?" Harry says looking down at me from where he is standing. I shake my head and clear my throat. I advert my eyes away from Harry's and looked back at Niall.

"So what are we playing Ni?" I quickly tried to change the subject away from me and back to this game. After the words left my mouth I heard Harry let out a sigh and the rest of the boys looked at me with sympathetic eyes. They probably thought I was gonna start talking and they were going to be getting some answers to what happened earlier today.

It's going to take a lot more than that to get me to talk. They all turned their attention back to Niall, giving him the floor to talk again.

"Okay so basically I have a dice and whatever number you roll is a certain thing you would have to do. Like lets say I roll a one, so that means the person to the left of me, which is Louis, we would have to do a waterfall."

"Umm what is a waterfall?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows at the term.

"So Louis would start drinking and I would have to join him, but I cannot stop until he does."

"Okay sounds great but do we really want to go to our show tomorrow hungover?" I can already feel the massive headache I'm going to have tomorrow.

"We've done it so many times it's okay. Plus we need to know about what happened earlier today so why not make it happen in a fun way" Harry says to me shrugging.

"Alright Harry you go sit next to your little girlfriend now." Niall said, smirking, I can feel myself turn red, I don't need any of the boys thinking I like Harry especially because my feelings for him are so jumbled.

Harry walks over to me and gives me a small smile. Wait he didn't correct Niall-woah.

"We'll get you drunk and then you can tell us ok? It's easier to be open about that stuff when you're not one hundred percent sure what you are saying, but only if you are comfortable with it" Harry whispered into my ear and I pulled back and looked at him giving him a small nod indicating it is a yes.

"Quick question, why do you guys want to know about what happened this morning so bad?" I have been thinking about this all day, like I get the fact that they don't want me to have any more nightmares but for people who claim they 'dont care about me' they seem to be really interested in my problems. I look around the room at all of them seeing that they are just all staring at me until they make eye contact with each other, looking very uncomfortable with my question. Silence flooded the room for about twenty seconds before Louis spoke up.

"We uhh just want to help you." Louis says and I look over to Harry who was avoiding eye contact with me. They all look like a bunch of nervous little boys and by that alone I could tell they weren't being honest.

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