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five years later

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diary entry #4721
Dear Jihoon,
Maybe the end of the world isn't so bad afterall...

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The sun was shining brightly overhead that morning, peeking over the roofs of the suburban houses, and spreading out above the city. Her warm rays filled up every surface they could reach, sneaking into nooks and crannies, and invading the shadows. There wasn't a cloud in the sky to be seen - just a vast and endless light blue that stretched far and wide as the eye could see. A soft breeze ran through the streets, rustling the grass and leaves. It was the perfect day for a barbeque or a trip to a beach, but it was too silent that morning. No screaming children running around someone's backyard, or sizzling hot dogs on a grill. There was barely even a bird in the sky to be heard. The only sign of life was a man on a roof, scribbling away in a tattered journal.

It had been years since Jungkook had sat upon the roof of a house to journal, but something in his gut told him that it was something he needed to do that morning.

The trailer park I once told you about hasn't changed much in the fifteen or so years that I've been there. The signs are more faded than ever, and the trailers are still run down, no matter how much we try to spruce things up. And of course, the bunker is the only pace with any power, but we only stay there when winter sets in. It's better that way; we can preserve more energy. I guess the only major changes are the abundance of chickens that we've corralled into one section of the park. You should see how the chicks follow Hen Solo around - sometimes I swear she's annoyed, but I think she secretly likes all the attention. And of course, there's more of us now. Can you believe that? It's not just Taehyung and I anymore, we're no longer alone.

It had been quite a shock for them that summer; running into Jimin and Yoongi had been the best thing to ever happen to them. It was deja vu in a sense, for Jungkook and Taehyung because of how easily the four of them got along and fell into a comfortable routine. It didn't take much convincing to get the two of them to stay in the city with them, seeing as it provided a sense of security. Jimin liked knowing that when he woke up he didn't have to worry about where his next meal was going to come from, or that he and Yoongi wouldn't have to worry about taking shelter. They had a home here, and for the first time in a decade, they could rest.

Jungkook liked having them around. It was nice to be able to talk to someone other than his husband (although that didn't mean he didn't love Taehyung or talking to him). It was just that he needed the change. And it certainly seemed like Yoongi had taken a liking to Taehyung. They two had similar interests, and were around the same age when the world went hell. Yoongi and Jimin made their life all the more interesting.

And then they met Hoseok.

Hoseok had wandered into their lives almost six months after Yoongi and Jimin during what had to have been the worst snowstorm any of them had ever seen. The older had nearly frozen to death outside the bunker, and probably would have if it weren't for the fact that Hen Solo had tried escaping, resulting in Taehyung and Jimin finding the man slumped against the side of the door. It took a month to nurse him back to health, and thankfully, there weren't any complications.

Jungkook liked Hoseok. Hoseok brought just the right amount of crazy to the group that kept them all on their toes, and sane. It was hard to believe that he was older than himself, Taehyung and Jimin, seeing as came across as childish in nature - always laughing and cracking jokes. It amazed them all at how he had managed to keep his good spirit in all of this, how he managed to stay so positive, but that was all due to the fact that Hoseok hadn't been alone.

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