Human genocide of the rat

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i looked at the blue window that said i had bubuonic plague and that it spreads through food. but i only saw them as food. I heard a child walkiign by and was cheering about something. I stared at the stupid child that cheered on, why  are you happy, there is nothing to be happy of in this stupid rat world. I hopped on the childs neck and bit, bit, and bit. The only think i can remember is screaming. The cries fill my head as i devour. but those werent the child's screams. they werent from the biting.

my biting didnt even scratch the kid, but i diseased him which is okay. i wasnt satisifed tho. I look to the screaming, there was some tall demon slicing humans in half and stuff like that. But it was a waste.

In my previous life humasn were the cusine food, even though i was human myself. The blood was warm and silky that slid through. It was perfect food. but this demon was wasting.

The maddness filled me. I clenched my rat fist and ran to the demon. he didnt notice me at first cuz he thought i was some weak beign. but ill show him. i got many expericne points for diseasing the kid, and the kid spreading it much to the running crowd. 

I evolved on the spot turning into a intermediate annoying rat. and i fought the demon, who stilll didnt notice my prescense. i wouldnt forgive him for thinking im weak. i did my super rat squeal and bit the stuipd demon.

I heard it, the cries of the demon. "EW!!!" they said. but i didnt care. i passed on the 12 diseases i had, and watched them die on the spot. LEVEL UP! LEVEL UP!. I dont care stupid blue man window.

I evolved again turning into chucky cheese

That time that i got reincarntated as a ratWhere stories live. Discover now