The Child Devourer, Chucky Cheese

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I stood there like it was fnaf. there were multiple people standing around in fear of me. I walked up and saw their tears fall and they pee their pants. I grabbed the mans head and ripped it off. i was strong. strong i was. the head popped of like a pen cap, and i devoured his head.

In my previous life i always ate peoples heads, but no one willingly gave me head. :(

i heard some kid scream "DAD!", he looked at me with hate and sadness. This could would probably kill me in the future so i killed hiim on the spot. fresh meat. Such pureness, such freshness, such flawlessness is this kids skin and muscles. it tasted good.

some random knights tried to fight me with swords. it didnt work. i was an anamontricnic. then the purple guy music started playing. I was the man behind the slaughter. the town ceased to make sound. all i heard was the gushing of blood, the crying of near death knights, and the air breezing over.

"Why? WHY!!?" a woman said, breaking the peaceful melody of silence. She looked mad, mad mad, like mad mad, you couldnt even compphrehend how mad this woman was, she yelled at me crying, tears falling, and yelling about how i killed her fiance or something.

It was then a burst of pain that i started paying attetnion. she pierced me with an ice shard. shattering my exo skeleton. It hurted. i was on the floor. couldnt move at all. the woman was above me looking with the eyes of pity. i hated it

Why pity, its disrepectful. I evolved cuz blue window man said i could. and i turned into the one rat from jojo part 4 with the mingun. I blasted her down like she was sasha from AOT.

You killed the hero, retarted blue man said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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