Ruruka's Candy Shop

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POV - Ibuki Mioda

I ran out the door and looked around for a bit before spotting Mikan by the gate. She looked nervous. I sprinted up to her and she jumped when she saw me.

"Hey Mikan!" I greeted her excitedly.

"H-Hi Ibuki..!" She responded with a small smile.

"How'd your day go?" I asked cheerfully as we started to walk away from the school.

She hesitated for a moment before replying. "F-Fine.."

She looked a bit upset, so I decided not to press her for details. "If you say so.. What's your favorite sweet?" 

Mikan looked a bit surprised at the question. "O-Oh um.. I-I don't r-really eat sweets t-that much.. But I'd h-have to say.. Anything strawberry or g-grape flavored.." She suddenly looked shocked. "B-But if you're planning to b-bring me something, y-you don't h-have to! You s-should probably b-bring some c-candy to H-Hiyoko.. She'll p-probably enjoy it m-more!" 

"I'll bring some for both of you! And Mahiru too! We always have a lot of candy left over at the end of the day, so Ruruka lets me take home as much as I want! Isn't she sweet? No pun intended!" I chirped, trying to cheer up Mikan. 

She looked at me shyly, seeming happier than before. She might've been pretending so I wouldn't pry,  but I like to think she was actually feeling better. 

POV - Ruruka Ando

I gathered a dozen macarons and fit them all inside a box labeled 'Cream-Flavored Macarons' before putting the box on a shelf behind the counter. Just as I was walking back to fill up another box, Ibuki walked in, waving goodbye to a purple-haired girl wearing an apron. 

"Hi Ibuki! Is that a new friend of yours?" I gave her a smile. 

"Sure is!" Ibuki smiled back and walked over to me, putting her backpack under the counter. "Need some help with those macarons?"

I nodded and the two of us started boxing macarons. 

"So, you planning on going to Hope's Peak?" Ibuki asked casually.

"Mhm. How about you?" I closed up a box and stacked it on top of a couple others.

"It'd be cool, but Ibuki might be too busy." 

"You're only 15. Hope's Peak probably rarely lets anyone in when you're that young. I'm sure you have a while to think about it."

"Yeah.. Where's Izayoi and Seiko?"

"Yoi's doing some blacksmithing stuff with his family, and Seiko's probably restocking her medicine supply." 

The bell at the top of the door let out a 'ding-a-ling' and a short girl wearing a dark blue jacket walked in, playing on a handheld console. She walked up to the counter and looked up from the console. "Hey, um, do you have any strawberry-cream macarons?" 

"Sure do! How many?" Ibuki responded, grabbing a small paper bag from under the counter and walking over to the shelf. 

"Just three." 

"That it?" Ibuki picked three strawberry-cream macarons out of the box and placed them gently in the bag. 

"Yeah.." The girl answered.

Ibuki returned to the counter and put the bag down on the surface. "Did you see us boxing macarons?" She smiled.

"Uh, yeah.. They looked really good.." The girl returned the smile warmly before putting some money on the counter and taking the bag.

"Thank you! Come again soon!" I added as the girl was walking out the door.

"I will.." She gazed back at us, looking like she was in a better mood than she was when she entered the shop, then left, looking back at her console. 


A/N: I didn't think I'd be dedicated enough to make it three chapters in, but here I am. Hi.


You're cool B)

If anyone says otherwise I'll hit them with a "NO THAT'S WRONG!"

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