Chapter 1(Death of a God)

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(If you've are here then enjoy)
Trigger Warning:Mentions of self harm and Death.
(Play music if you want)

Dream's Pov

"George and Sapnap and Quackity are yelling at me for taking George's crown, I just want them to be safe, I can tell I am crying behind my mask but I stay quiet"I think,
George and Sapnap walk away.
Quackity:I hope your happy you Dream just know they hate you just like you hate them
"But I don't hate them I just want them safe" I thought,   "Wait I know what to do I will leave forever but first I should rebuild L'Manburg as a parting gift yeah and then I'll leave Tommy his Disc,Tubbo a bee spawn Egg and I leave Fundy his ring I'll give everyone their items or favorite things then I'll take some of my food from my house and I'll even give them the cords to my house so they can take anything they want, then I leave and never come back I know Nightmare will be fine in the Neather same as is Lucid in the End and I know XD will look after Server and my blob children I will miss my brothers tho"I thought,
I then got to work after I rebuilt it all I left everyone a goodby message and the items in shulker's in their house's then I took my food and a change of clothes then headed East as the sunrises.

I have walked for days non-stop I barely eat I think I will write down my travels.

Log #1:
(It's been two weeks since I left I haven't got a message saying that they have found L'Manburg yet so they don't know I'm gone; I still have most my food I only am eating once every week I just passed through a desert biom I wonder if anyone misses me, ah who am I kidding no one cares, I've got rid of the Dreamons with my magic I will need to rest for a day tho then I will get rid of the eggs' power with my magic)
            Bye whom ever reads this.

Log #2:
(It's been three or four weeks I forgot I am currently 2,000 blocks away from the Dream SMP my head has Been hurting and I am only eating every two weeks now I just ate yesterday,I got rid of the egg it was hard I only stop to rest when I can't go any further, my legs and arms are bleeding it doesn't hurt tho I deserve it I never did like playing the evil dictator but I did I hated it, my wings look so bad they have been getting darker there now a dark green and the once white snowflakes that covered them are now a dark grey and the Ice that never used to melt is melting I need to get to a snow biom so they refreeze that's where I'm going now I should be there soon)
                     -Dream The Monster

Log #3:
(I remember how long it's been it's been 2 months since I left I made it to the snowy biom the creatures that inhabit it welcomed me home as I am a snow creature as well I feel better now I am still hurting myself tho I changed into my extra outfit, It's a green hoodie with some black jeans, Fingerless gloves,My mask and no shoes the cold has never bothered me, my brothers always called me the Snowy God I found it funny they said that because of my connection with snowy bioms I found a lake I think I will kill myself tomorrow in the lake I will write my last entry then)
               -The Monster of the SMP

Log #4:
(This will be my last log today's the day I'm going to jump into the lake so I freeze and drown,I am sorry everyone I've hurt now you'll be happy tho now that I'm gone I barely ate any of my food so I gave it to the animals of the snowy biom, I forgive those I have been wronged by I just hope they forgive me, I am going to put this in a chest just in case someone finds it or I become a ghost, if you don't know me I am Dream The Monster of the SMP, I will miss everyone)

                      -Dream The Monster Of the SMP

Then I jumped in the lake I felt my body freeze while I ran out to oxygen my vision went black and the last thing I thought was "Bye everyone I will miss you" then I am sure I died never to be seen again or so I thought.

Faith:One week later.....

"I just woke up where am I; I only know my name it's Dream but I don't remember anything else tho, I have iced over dark green wings with snowflakes on them; wait what!?, are snowflakes, Hmm oh well I think I'm alone it doesn't bother me I think I will stay on my lake I can still use my wings I also have a black fluffy tail it has some ice that won't melt on it but that's ok I also have really pointy ears, and I have mask that covers my green and light blue eyes it's really nice, sometime I cry for some unknown reason I feel like I miss something or someone but I don't know what, all I know is that I'm dead I found a book written by Alive me I think I keep it on me but don't read it there was also a blank book I write what I remember down in it I really don't remember anything other than missing something or someone and being sad, I like the animals their really nice to me I don't eat or drink anything but that's fine) :) I thought out loud.

Faith:One month later it's been three months since Dream left, everyone is missing him now.

Tubbo's Pov
I went to L'Manburgs old location only to find it's been rebuilt and I see a note from Dream he did this!  I tell everyone to come here they all come when the see it's rebuilt their in shock I tell them who did it then read the note Dream left it says,
(I rebuilt L'Manburg to say sorry I am leaving I might be dead when you read this I don't know I gave everyone something it's in a shulker in their house I hope you like it I left on XX/XX/XX date I hope you are all happier with out me,here are the cords to my house for you all to raid if you would like: -X100 
Everyone including me was in shock that was three months ago he even gave the cords to his house so we could raid it. 'Everyone go out and search for him' I exclaim as I miss my older brother.

Everyone: "We need to find Dream"

1,190 words:

The Death of the God Of Snow and Ice:Ghost!Dream x MCYT'S.  Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now