- PAR 2, of The Villain Council. -

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If there is a council, there are always some standards and rules set in place to keep things flowing.

I will list off rule names, and then their purpose.
[ Although some rules will probably be self explanatory. ]


The Villain Code.

1. - Alliance with heroes is forbidden.

2. - Fighting is prohibited in The Council room.

3. - One cannot be self promoted as High Council Member, ( or HCM. )

4. - A contract must be signed in order to become a member of The Council.

5. - If a member of the High Council leaves or becomes deceased, they are to be replaced.

6. - Each villain must partake in the Arena, if they do not, they can NOT have permission to join and become member of The Council.

7. - Mobius and other places are NOT to be mentioned unless necsassacry.


Alright, now lets get on to the explainations.

We'll start with NO, 1. first.

Alliance with heroes has always been something Villains don't really want to do.
It is frowned upon in the villain world to willingly become friend's or alliance with the enemy.

It IS however allowed to alliance with a hero in order to gain control, or go through with plans.


NO, 2.

Fighting isn't something that is good for in The Council room.

The Council is a place for civilized speaking and announcments. Not for wars.


NO, 3.

This is pretty self explanatory.

A villain cannot just self promote themselves as a High Council member. To become one you must either..

Be apart of a important and powerful family, who have over the years earned their right to automatically be a High Council member.
Or earn it through a favorable reputation as a villain.


NO, 4.

In order to BE a member of The Council, you must sign a contract.

This contract basically says you agree to the rules of the Council and agree to be present when needed.


NO, 5.

This is another self explanatory one. But I'm gonna explain anyways.

If a member of the High Council is gone, or found/speculated to be dead or missing. The High Council must decide on a replacement for them.
There is no time limit for when a new member must be placed, it can take years before a new member is decided.


NO, 6.

Another, ANOTHER. Self explanatory one.

If a Villain, doesn't matter how young, or old. If they have NOT partaken in the Arena they CANNOT become a member of The Council.
And certainly not a High Council member.


NO, 7.

Mobius, and other small towns and places aren't to be mentioned for confilct reasons.
Jealousy is something many villain's in The Council struggle with. Hearing about other peoples succsess can cause tension sometimes.

If Mobius is brought up ever, ( most certainly it won't however because it is very forbidden, ) the member of the Council is to be banished from The Council immedietly.

Now, this may sound harsh. But let me soften it up a little.

Mobius can be mentioned, BUT not in a bragging way. When member's of The Council give their speech about their family and what-not. They CAN mention Mobius, if it is apart of their current situation, or perhaps they have taken over a section of it, it is allowed.

Bragging is the main reason for punishment, or fighting over it is also a punishable offense.

𝖮𝖳𝖧𝖤𝖱 𝖮𝖢 𝖨𝗇𝖿𝗈 𝖡𝗈𝗈𝗄 + Other stuffWhere stories live. Discover now