First Feeling.

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*based on a true story* not using real people's names.

August 2017

As my alarm clock angers me at 6:30am disturbing my restful night, I began to get up and get ready for school. I awaken my little sister as I get ready. Daddy switched me schools this was a all white school, where you wear plaid uniforms for approval of instructors and be ashamed of your blackness. Lips can't be too big, breast can't be too big, you can wear skirts but make sure they go past your knees or your asking for it.. anyways as my mother straightens my hair I get a disturbing feeling of anxiety over taking my body. My mom begins to bump the ends of my hair, and my dad helps my little sister put her shoes on. I observe her while wondering if she's feeling the same way I'm feeling about the first day of school. As my mom unplugs the flat iron and tells me to put my shoes on so daddy can take our first day pictures so he can show Facebook his two charming daughters on their first day of middle school as every parent does on August 4th of every first day. Daddy walks us to the car and opens the door for us, without realizing he's setting a good blueprints of expectations a lady should of a man. Daddy tells us to buckle up. Still feeling the overwhelming feeling of nausea as daddy proceeds to drive us through the rich neighborhoods of Glendale and turns the corner to see a big school with bright lights almost resembling the White House. I get out the car with my stained white Adidas looking around to see a verity of Caucasian children who I know are frightened by my blackness because of society's view of black people being low grade, impolite, ignorant, uneducated waste of a human race or is that just what I'm getting off of racist trolls on the internet ranting about how ghetto and uneducated African Americans are or the blonde headed blue eyed women at the grocery stores who hold onto their children hands a little tighter or clutch onto their purses in sight of a person of color. Well anyways I turn around and grab my little sisters hand and closing the car door behind me , and looking back to hear dads famous line always told to us before school "always ask questions" followed behind a I love you and a kiss goodbye from mommy. I take a deep breath as I proceed to walk towards the school, not acknowledging the dirt on our shoes or our old backpacks from last year. As the day goes on I overlooked the fact that I was the only black face in the classroom and sat next to a white boy who got up and walked away and sat at another desk. The day goes on and I explore building still wondering why that boy sat at another desk when I sat by him.

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