dream 6 that included stark when i was thinking of schlatt

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Okay it's a load of interesting stuff I was Marcus and a freind of mine was kara without a hand and I tried to find a hand but nope only found a barbie doll that I thought was a android hand. We were in Tony's workshop and he had the infinity war suit and he had digitalized into said reactor and he pulled out mk1 and made a huge confused face before switching to the suit in avengers. Cut back to me trying to save my freinds ass. Cut to tony swooping in just in time and taking down all the crapheads. O then rescue a little kid like hawkeye in sakovia and them went to a farm like hawkeye and did some work and I know I didnt die because I would have heard someone shout my name when stark flew into the shop I just so happened to be in and saved me. Also a freind of mine was a agent with me and I think kara girl got her hand back

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