Part 11- zemo in my dads body and eret in the heros body

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the murderer was practically a supersolder btw so the strength will make sense later and had the mentality of the one guy from csi who stabed ray in the kidney

so i cant remember WHY the fuck we were in germany but we were there with the dogs  and they all dissapeared. i didnt notice and was put in this death game after beating him wither style fair and sqare. everyone survived but funny enough i helped my frend by telling her to fucking run and she lived!! but we all got slime dumped on us. i then change pov to the hero who was mc fuckin stranded at my old school that looked like when i left and upgraded somehow. i was then backin my body just trying to take a wizz and the murderer fuck RIPS THE LOCK OFF MY BATHROOM STALL (fyi this is like the 7th time he tried to kill me) AND MIND YOU IM MID PEE AND HE SITS ON ME but the hero FUCKING GOES SPIDERMAN MODE and hoists himself up on the outside of the stall and talks the fucker off getting off me!! we then go and collect all the pets and i stumble across the dude and he didnt have sunglases on but he had vr goggles on but on his forhead and his eyes were like erets mc charicter glowing blinding white. i remember saying i liked his eyes lol

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