its in the eyes, always

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No one will read this but this ship is adorable so..

fluff probably

recommended song/s:
Bubble gum by Clairo 


Whistling wind blew, the window pane shook, slim streams of rain slipped, a cold breeze drifted through the dusty attic. Akira felt his skin grow colder, his fingertips became peachy, a chill ran through his bones to his core. He tried warming himself up by rubbing his arms but his cold fingers just made him feel colder. It was a winter evening, he sat on his bed, rapped up in his blankets for comfort but alas he still shivered, he wished that Morgana was upstairs with him but he sat downstairs in the back by the heaters. Akira would have gone downstairs but the floorboards where cold and so where his feet, no point if it will just make him colder.

Akira wished there was something he could do to entertain himself but he had played games, read and even studied but now he has nothing left but his phone, which wasn't a bad idea perse but he knew that in mere seconds he would get brief once again. Nonetheless opened his phone, tapping through plentiful games and sites, as he had guessed he felt his brain start to shut off.

'Pi, Pi, Pi!'

Akira, who was frightened by the sudden noise, jumped to grab his phone, quickly he opened messenger and saw a message from the one, the only, Ryuji. Akira unknowingly smiled, his glasses pressed further up his nose, the cold suddenly bothered him lesser, as though someone had set a heating pad near him, or it had almost felt as though the heat came from inside him.

He tapped it without hesitation yet was surprised by the message he read.

Ryuji: Hey RenRen. May seem a little weird but I'm standing outside and it's freezing, I'll explain inside

You: ???
You: whatever you say


Akira closed his phone, set in next to his nest of blankets and readied himself to stand on the freezing cold flooring. He stepped, then began to hop, trying his hardest to touch the floor as little as possible. He rapped his arms around his slim figure, his sweatshirt sleeves falling over his knuckles, his plaid pj pants hung by his ankles. He stepped down the stairs, the familiar creek going unnoticed by Akira, he jumped down the last few steps and jogged to the front door.

He saw a sopping wet Ryuji, his hair sticking to his forehead, his purple vest hung from his fingertips. Akira chuckled at his close friends 'lost puppy' like appearance and rushed to open the door. The front bell rung and a heaving Ryuji let himself in, he ruffled his hair in a dull attempt to dry himself.

"hey dude, thanks for letting me in," Ryuji smiled, his nose and ears where tinted a violent red as though he had been running around in the rain for awhile. "Ryuji, what in gods name where you doing outside in the cold?," Akira sighed, a small smile pulled at his lips, he still coddled himself. "Well, uuuhm," Ryuji laughed, leaning side to side from one heel to the other, avoiding answering the question. Akira sniffled and smiled, walking to the back of the coffee shop, grabbing himself a apron.

By the counter he heard a soggy Ryuji make himself comfortable on a barstool, letting his wet vest hang on one of the chairs to dry.
"Akira! Don't think of making me coffee, your coffee sucks!," Ryuji laughed from the bar stool, Akira smiled, shaking his head. "You really have no shame huh? I'm making you some cinnamon tea," .  He walked back to the counter, leaning his elbows on the hardwood he smiled at Ryuji who smiled back. Akira huffed and turnt around to find the kettle, milk, cinnamon and honey.
"I didn't know you knew how to make that stuff, isn't it hard?" Ryuji inquired, his head leaning on his fist as he stared at how Akira moved, how he stood, how his hair curled around his peachy ears.

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