Senior Prom (Kylee)

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* Author's Note *
Welp, another bonus chapter done! I don't really have a lot to say about this one so enjoy.


Kylee checked her reflection in the mirror one last time. "Quit fussing," Jessika said from the bed. "You look smokin'."

Kylee turned to face her friends. "Thanks. I was wondering if the dress was going to fit."

Lyndsey rolled her eyes and Jess snorted. "Oh, my god, girl... You are NOT fat!"

Lyndsey giggled. "In fact, you could do to gain some weight."

Jessika smacked her. "Says Miss Size Two." She then stood, smoothed her dress, and took Kylee by the arm. "Ignore her. You are fabulous just the way you are."

Kylee laughed. "That's why you're my favorite J."

Lyndsey tossed her hair in mock-offense. "Whatever, girlfriend."

"Hey, hey, hey," Jessika said, "Not fighting tonight girls... it's senior prom and we're going to have the night of our lives!"

"Oh, yeah!" Kylee cheered, laughing.

With that the three girls grabbed their handbags and made their way downstairs. "Looking good," Jenna said with a wink when they reached the bottom. "You all ready to go?"

Lyndsey looked at her phone. "Shoot!" she exclaimed. "It's later than I thought. We're going to be late if we don't get going."

"Well, good luck and have fun," Jenna said and, with a final wave, disappeared into the living room. But a moment later she poked her head around the corner and said, "Take lots of pictures."

"I said I would, Jen, calm down," Kylee said with a laugh.

Jenna raised one eyebrow dramatically. "As long as you do..." Then she slowly pulled her head back around the corner.

Kylee shook her head. "I'm just going to say goodbye to my parents. I'll be right back."

She found her mom and dad sitting on the back patio watching Preston run around the backyard. "Are you leaving?" Dad asked. Kylee nodded and he stood to give a hug. "Have a wonderful time, darling."

"Thanks, Dad," she replied, returning the hug.

She then faced her mother. "Thank you so much for watching Preston. I appreciate it."

Her mother just smiled. "It's not a problem. You just enjoy your evening and don't worry about it."

Preston had noticed her now and was running towards the patio. Mom caught him before he reached her saying, "Hold on now, you don't want to get your mother's pretty dress all dirty, do you?"

"It's alright, Mom," Kylee said, kneeling down to pick Preston up. "A little dirt never hurt anyone." Preston giggled and threw his arms around her neck. Kylee smiled and kissed him on the top of his head. "You be good for Grandma and Grandpa, okay?"

Preston nodded eagerly. "'Es, Mama!"

Kylee smiled again and set him back down. Immediately, he was streaking back to where he had dropped his toy earlier. "Bye," Kylee said to her parents and, still smiling, went to join her friends.

Kylee, Jessika, and Lyndsey piled into Kylee's car for the quick drive to the school. When they arrived there were already dozens of people milling about outside. "Kade said he and Andre are already inside," Lyndsey said as Kylee pulled into an empty parking spot.

"What about Sergei?" Jess asked.

Kylee smirked. "He's probably running late."

Jess snorted. "Probably."

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