The First Day (Kylee)

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* Author's Note *
I just realized it's been almost a month since I've updated the bonus chapters. Oops 😬
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy!


The morning of the first day of class dawned bright and clear. Even though she didn't have to be at the campus until after noon, Kylee was up with the sun. She had spent the night before tossing and turning, too excited and nervous to sleep. Right now she was trying to divide her attention between helping Preston with his coloring book and checking her syllabus one last time.

Eventually, she sighed and shoved the syllabus back into her bag. She wasn't going to get any more out of it than she already in the time before Sergei arrived. Just then Kylee heard the doorbell ring. "Speaking of the devil." She stood and ruffled Preston's hair. "I'll be right back, baby."

"Hello, there," she said, opening the door with a flourish.

"General Kenobi," Sergei replied without missing a beat.

Kylee raised on eyebrow. "What's that supposed to mean! Oh, wait..." She laughed. "Star Wars, right?"

Sergei grinned. "Correct."

Kylee shook her head and stepped out of way so he could come in. "Harley is a bad influence on you."

"I was a Star Wars nut before I met him," Sergei said, closing the door behind him.

"But now you say weird things out of the blue like that."

"Is that a problem?"

Kylee sighed. "Not really. I just feel stupid when I don't get your fandom references."

Sergei looked sideways at her. "Well, you understood that one."

"Yeah," Kylee replied. "But most of the time I don't."

Sergei was quiet for a moment, his head tilted thoughtfully. Finally, he said, "Why don't you watch the movies with me sometime?"

Kylee thought for a moment. "I'll watch Star Wars with you if you watch The Fault in Our Stars with me."

Sergei blew out a breath. "But it's so depressing."

"Hey." Kylee poked him in the chest. "Don't diss The Fault in Our Stars. It is the greatest movie ever."

"If you insist."

Kylee folded her arms. "I do insist."

For a moment Sergei just looked at her. Finally, he smiled and said, "Alright."

"Alright what?" Kylee asked.

"Alright, I'll watch The Fault in Our Stars with you. But only if you watch all the Star Wars movies with me."

Kylee put her hands on her hips. "That's hardly fair. One movie for..." She pauses. "Nine?"

"Eleven," Sergei said. "Not counting the tv shows."

"See!" Kylee exclaimed. "Not fair."

"What if I watch one of your movies for each of mine?" he asked. "Would that be fair?"

"You sure you can handle that many chick flicks?"

"It won't kill me." Sergei suddenly grinned mischievously. "Besides, if I get bored, I can just look at you."

Kylee felt her face go pink. "Oh, my gosh...," she groaned. "Harley really is rubbing off on you; you're starting to use his lame lines." With that she shook her head and started to walk towards the kitchen.

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