Part 12

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I was in my bed with Damon next me and I say, "It's the founders day party tonight. So tell me the plan." He plays with my hair and says, "we walk in act like the perfect couple then you distract Stefan whilst I talk to Elena. Then we also steal Emily Bennet's crystal so we are one step closer to opening the tomb. The same one you claim Katherine isn't in." I nod and walk to my closet and pull out a dress, "sounds good, I was thinking the red dress." He smirks, "sexy." I hit him round the, "hush you. Also I think I have a black scarf to match. Care to give me a bite." He speeds over to me and pushes my hair to the side and says, "with pleasure lemon drop."

After he was done I ask, "so, I play dumb tonight right?" He nods, "that's the plan." I nod, "okay but I have my own plan and you are most defiantly not going to like it, but it has to happen or the universe could explode." He frowns, "what is it?" I smirk, "it ends with Elena finding out about what bumps in the night. However that is all I can tell you blue eyes, just follow my lead okay." He kisses my neck, "your wish is my command." He then pushes me on the bed and smirks and I say, "so what do you want me to do for now?" He laughs, "your sister seems noisy. Think we can use that?" I smirk and nod and he starts to kiss me.

I told Care the plan and then we met up with Bonnie at the grille and I say, "I'm gonna go order." They nod and get a table. I look over at them and give Care a nod to tell her to tell the story about Katherine Damon originally told her in the show. I see Tyler make his way over to the bar and walk up to him before he can and say anything, "don't be a jerk Ty. If you really like Vicky then treat her like it. If you don't then stop playing with her. I love you man, but you can't keep acting like you do." He sighs, "yeah I know. I like her though." I nod, "then ask her to the founder's day party." He nods and I give him a kiss on the cheek before going back to the two girls.

"So what did I miss." Care sighs, "I told Bon about Damon." I act shocked, "Care, you promised. Look Bonnie he told me that in confidence, promise you won't tell Elena. He's finally moving on and getting better, no need to open old wounds, yeah?" Bonnie nods, "I get it." I sigh and look at my phone, "Look I have to go but I'll see you two at the party." I give them both hugs before leaving.

We get to the party and Mrs Lockwood walks up to us, "Mia, you look smashing." I smile, "as do you Mrs Lockwood, this my boyfriend Damon." She says, "oh, well, come on in." Damon nods and steps in, "lovely to meet you. I've been looking forward to this party." Mrs Lockwood tells us to enjoy then leaves. I scoff, "can you dial down the dramatics for once. I see my mom, I will be back just try not to get into trouble without me." He smirks, "cross my heart and hope to die, oh wait I already did." I shake my head and walk away and mutter, "you and your daddy issues." He yells after me, "heard that!" I turn around and say, "you were meant to."

I smile, "hey mom, good to see your still a workaholic." She sighs, "it's my job. So who's the date you just tried to sneak past me?" I roll my eyes, "none of your business, I mean since when did you care." She sighs, "I care for you and your sister. He just seems a bit old for you Mia. I know since your dad left you've been missing him--" I cut her off and say, "for last time, I do not miss him. You do." She sighs, "and where is your dad?" I smirk, "in Memphis, with Stephen. I should get back to the party. See at home, maybe." I then walk away to find Damon.

Me and Damon then walk over to Stefan and Elena as the read the original register and Damon says, "the original Salvatore brothers. Our ancestors. Tragic story, actually." Stefan then says, "we don't need to bore them with stories of the past." Elena says with a smile, "it's not boring, Stefan. I'd love to hear more about your family." I roll my eyes, "well, I'm bored. I think I've head the story a billion times since I met this one. Now dancing that sounds fun, seeing as the hotter Salvatore doesn't like dancing I'll settle for you Stefan. I am not taking a no for an answer." He stutters to speak but I drag him away before he can.

As we were dancing he says, "Damon told you to ask me to dance, didn't he?" I laugh, "no guy tells me to do anything. I mean why would he tell me to do that?" He just smiles slightly and as we get offered champagne he hands me a glass, "you drink?" I nod, "of course I drink." I take the glass and drink from it then as I pull it away from my lips and hold it to my side I see Stefan spike it from the corner of my eye and then I continue to drink it.

Soon after Damon and Elena walk over and he asks, "what did we miss?" Stefan grabs another drink and says, "we were just chatting. Drink Damon?" Damon shakes his head, "no, thanks, I'll pass." Here poor Damon is thinking he's smart, but Stefan is a step ahead, I do feel bad for both though because I'm at least one hundred ahead of both of them. They then do this stare off thing before Elena breaks it and says, "Stefan, do you have another dance in you?" He nods and they both walk out to the dance floor. I fake gag and say, "I think I might puke." Damon laughs, "same, look I'm gonna go get the crystal. Wanna come?" I shake my head, "no I need to go the restroom. I will see you later lover boy." I give him a wink and walk away.

I waited in the bathroom and then finally Elena came in, "hey." I gave her a nod and turned back to the mirror and say, "things with you and Stefan seem off, was it the dance if so I--" She cuts me off and smiles, "we're fine, great actually." I nod slowly, "right. My radar must be off tonight." I purposely lean forward to do my lip gloss to show her under my scarf. She asks, "what is that?" She goes to take it off but I shrug her off playing the compelled girlfriend, "don't." She then lifts it up and sees the bite, "oh my God, Mia what happened?" I push the scarf back down, "nothing, okay? Just leave it." She shakes her head, "I know we might not get along but that is not nothing. Did somebody do that to you?" I shake my head, "no okay just leave it." She then asks, "did Damon hurt you?" I shake my head, "no." I mean technically it didn't hurt." She tries to look again so I yell, "just leave me alone Elena." I then 'storm' out and then smirk at myself for my acting.

Then Damon finds me at the party and says, "I just had a not so nice talk with Elena. Explain." I take his arm and lead him into a room, "you need to act mad at me for Elena seeing the bite marks, you need to drag me outside and bite me like you're going to kill me." He scoffs, "I could never kill you." I sigh, "I'll be fine, look just trust me. Oh, and I'm sorry." He frowns, "for what?" I sigh, "you'll see." He nods and takes my arm and drags me outside looking mad, God this man is sexy mad.

I act like I'm struggling and I give him a discreet nod and he walks around to the back of me his breath going down my neck as he says, "You drive me crazy you know that?" I then say, "I swear I didn't say--" He cuts me off, "shh, it's okay I forgive you." He then starts to kiss my neck then he bites into it and as I go limp I hear him choking and Stefan say, "I knew I couldn't spike your drink. So I spiked hers." Then it all goes black. I am so smacking someone for this. My head is so going to hurt in the morning.

When I wake up on the ground I see Damon and Stefan gone but the amulet on the ground. I smirk and put it in my pocket. Just then my sister runs over, I swear it's meant to be Elena but I guess since we aren't friends she didn't come and check on me. Then I see Tyler behind her and groan as he yells, "what were you thinking! We are taking you home, but in the morning me and Enzo are going to have a serious conversation with you two." I groan even more hearing that and Care joins me as she pouts and then Ty takes us both home.

A/N: Hey guys sorry for the late updates but with school I've been really busy. I hope you like this part and tell me what you think Enzo will think to Mia being so reckless. Comment any ideas you have about this book I would love to hear them.

Xoxo Maddie.

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