Part 9

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A/N: I know I suck, I honestly don't know how long it's been but with TVD being taken off Netflix in the UK I had to find another way to watch it and I am now having to watch it on my phone.

It is now the day of the comet and I wouldn't be here if I didn't know this is my only chance of seeing Damon. (Outfit above.) I was standing with Care as she talks with people in the town square when I see Damon looking at us. I give Care a look telling her to stay and start to make my way over with a smirk. At first he seems confused but then his face seems like he realises something and smirks before disappearing. I fake pout before shaking my head and laughing, I then walk back to Care and join back in the conversation.

It was now night time and Elena is talking to Stefan and Matt is looking like a wounded puppy dog. I hit him round the head, "oi Matty, it's rude to stare. I seriously don't get what you see in her, she's a basic bossy cry baby bitch. I pity him, he's gonna get just as stuck in her web as you." Matt scoffs, "you don't know anything Mia." I scoff, "whatever I'm going in, this comet is boring me to death. Have fun." I kiss Tyler and Caroline on the cheek before leaving and going into the grill.

I was sitting at the bar when Vicky went missing and I really couldn't be bothered to help look. I mean I already knew where and who she was with. As I see Care and Bonnie I run up to them, "hey Bon, is it cool if I grab my sister for a second." Bonnie nods, "sure, see you later Care." She walks away and I sigh, "Care please now. If you leave any later Damon is going use you as a walking blood bag." She nods, "fine, if you promise me you'll sleep with Damon." I scoff, "really? Do you know what fine now leave. Stay over at Bonnie's" She smirk, "I'll know if you don't, you always have a glow about you."

I roll my eyes, "whatever you say Care, and it's weird you know that. I'll see you tomorrow, I obviously won't be in school so take my car but I'll still come and watch your first cheer practice of the year." She hugs me, "okay good, have fun." She takes the keys and leaves sending me a wink as I scoff.

Since Caroline had left and so had Elena I was sitting with Bonnie, "Vicky is just so dramatic. I mean come on she just went for a walk." Bonnie nods and then Stefan walks over, "excuse me. Hi. Um, have you guys seen Elena?" I roll my eyes and drink my coffee and Bonnie then says, "I think she went home. I'm gonna give you Elena's cell number and her email. She is big on texting, and you can tell her... I said so." She then has her little witchy freak out and leaves saying sorry. I just glare at Stefan, "what are you waiting for creep, leave." He nods and leaves and I leave soon after him.

I was walking out of the Grill and roll my eyes as I hear someone behind me and turn to see no one there. I just stop and cross my arms, "come out Damon. I'm not in the mood for games tonight." Then as I look around when I look back I see Damon looking at me, "how did you know." I scoff, "I'm a witch, and your brother already pissed me off by existing tonight so..." Damon smirks, "so you know what I am? If that was true you would have done that witchy mind thing on me."

I roll my eyes, "not all witches hate vampires dummy. Also your hot so, I guess I can put up with you. I also have a plan to piss your brother off. Now do you want to hear it or not." He smirks, "you think I'm hot?" I shake my head, "I'll take you not trying to kill me as a yes. The plan is simple you pretend to use me as a human blood bag, you also pretend to date and compel me to love you. Trust me it will piss him off."

He nods and then smirks, "so you think I'm hot? Because I think you're way hotter then your sister." I smirk, "I did make my sister a promise that if I want to live I have to intend to keep it." He walks closer to me, "and what promise would that be." I lean forward and start to kiss him, it was even better then I imagined it from back home. I pull away needing to breath, "do you know where I live?" He nods and I wrap my legs around him as he vamp speeds there.

When you get to the door I say, "come in Damon." He soon takes me to my room had starts to kiss my neck. He slightly retracts and I look to see veins under his eyes, "do it." He looks at me and when I nod he sinks his fangs into my neck and instead of screaming in pain I moan in pleasure. Let's just say I kept my promise, and lived out every fan girls dream. (A/N: I don't write smut and I don't ever plan to, sorry.)

A/N: Tell me what you think of Mia and Damon, I'm planning on them just being really flirty friends at the moment. Tell me what you think of this part and what you want to see more of. Also just a heads up for future notice my message board doesn't work and I have no clue why it just says error.

Xoxo Maddie.

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