Prologue Part 7: Cheeky Mates!

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Yuuto's POV

"They're so cool~ Unlike a certain raccoon" Ace said while pointing his thumb at Grim.
"Ffgna!" Grim yelped.
"Pfft..ahaha! I can't bear it anymore! Ahahaha! Aren't you the guys who went crazy at entrance ceremony?" Yup! That's me!
"You were summoned by the Dark Mirror even though you can't use magic, and you, monster, weren't called but still trespassed. Yaahh, it took everything I had not to lose it at the ceremony." He said and stopped laughing. He reminds me of..... No, it's not important right now.
"Wha!? Your a rude one!" Grim glowed at Ace.
"And now you weren't allowed in and regulated to janitor. Haha, how lame." Ace chuckled.

"Nyaano.." Grim glowed again.
"On top of that, you don't even know about the Great Seven. How ignorant can you be?" He said to Grim.
"I reccomend you go back to kindergarten before coming to Night Raven College." He laughed again.
"Gunuhuhuh...."Grim growled again.
"Grim.. Calm down" I tried calming him but it seemed like it didn't work at all. I predict that after a few seconds everything is going to go berserk.

"I thought I'd just mess with you a bit but you really blew my expectations away. Unlike you two, I actually have classes to attend. Keep school squeaky clean, you two." And then he went on his way, but Grim looked like he wasn't gonna let that happen.
"This jerk! He's just gonna say that and leave! Im pissed now!" Grim growled out in anger.

"Funnnnaaaaaah!" Grim breathed fire and guess what? He set the street on FIRE!*sighs* It sure will be a long day.
"Oh my! Watch out! What're you doing!" Ace said, trying to avoid the fire.
"Its what you get for making fun of me! I'm gonna light up the fire-head of yours!" Grim said. Fire-head? I don't- Okay?
"Fire head, huh? Heee. You've really got guts picking a fight with me. You too. I'll turn you into a puffy, little toy-poodle!" Ace said, challenging Grim.

"Ffgna!" Grim attacked Ace with a blast of fire.
"Grim stop that!!" I tried to stop him, but he ignored me.
"Uh-oh, gotta watch out. Take that!" Ace shot something from his pen and Grim's fire started to twist.
"This guy is blowing wind all over the place! My fire gets all twisted up!" Grim said, backing off a little.
"Hmm, wind huh? Maybe some kind of wind magic?" I mumbled. I saw some of the students noticing what was happening.

"What's happening? A fight?"
"Yeah! Get 'em!"
Students began to cheer them on and to continue the fight.
"Can't you guys stop?" I asked only to be ignored again.
"A flimsy little fire like that won't hit me." Ace teased, frustrating Grim even more.
"What? You better be ready!" Grim said, determined.
"Eat this!" And with that Grim breathed more fire.
"And I change the trajectory with wind like...that!" Ace twisted Grim's fire even more and changed it's direction only to burn the Queens of Hearts statue.

"Aaaaaaah! Crap! The Queen of Hearts' statue is charred!" Ace said, panicked.
"It's cause you're blowing the fire around! Just let me fry you!"Grim said, ready to breath more fire until...

"Enough!!! Just what is going on here!" A voice yelled out of nowhere and me, Ace and Grim turned to see Crowley.
"Guh! Headmaster...!" Ace yelped nervously.
"He's gonna tie us with the "lash of love"! Get outta here!" Grim warned but it was too late for that.
"Ffgyaa! Hurts just as much the second day in a row!"
The both of them yelped in pain. This is hard to watch.

"This is my Lash of Love! It'll be another hundred years before you can outrun me!" He yelled at them and turned to me.
"I told you just yesterday to 'not cause any trouble', didn't I?" He scolded me then turned to the two boys.
"Then you go and char the statues of the Great Seven! I very much would like to see you expelled." That got Ace panicked.
"Wait! Not that!"
Then Crowley turned to me again.
"And you. This is not how you supervise Grim."
"I'm really sorry Mr. Crowley" I apologized to Crowley.
"My goodness... You, what's your grade and name?" Crowley asked Ace.
"Ace Trappola, first year." Ace answered.

"Then, Trappola, Grim and you as punishment I order the three of you to wash 100 windows around campus!" Crowley demanded. Well, I've been through worse then that.. I think.
"Nyaa!? It's all cause this joker was making fun of us!" Grim said angrily.
"Feeh!? Me too?" Ace shrieked.
"Most definitely! After school, meet in the cafeteria. Understood?"
"Yes Mr. Crowley!" I responded obediently.
"Fiiine..." Ace agreed.
"Nothing but misery since yesterday!!" Grim complained and with that everyone went they're own way.

After cleaning, we went to the cafeteria.
"This time don't cause any trouble, okay little guy?" I asked Grim while we made our way to the cafeteria.
"The fire-head did this not me!" I chuckled at his response. He's still calling him a fire-head.
We went to sit down at an empty table to eat.
"Hey Grim, here are your two cans of tunas." I gave Grim the two cans.
"Wait, you remember that?" He looked surprised. Did he think I would forget?
"Of course! After all, you need energy before cleaning 100 windows!" Grim sighs at that. I took out my lunch which was a sandwich and some water. I've never liked eating too much.
"After lunch, we could go to the library to read something?"
"Sure. Why not?" Responded Grim while eating his cans of tuna.

After lunch we went to the library to read something. Grim was choosing some magic books, while I wanted to read some books about this world. Since I'm going to stay here, I might as well read the history of this world. After picking a few books I sat down at an empty table and put my books on the table. Grim sat on the table while reading his books.

After a while I started to here footsteps. I glanced to look who it was and guess who? The red head from the ceremony. I remember his name was Riddle. He didn't seem to notice me, so I went back to reading. After a few more minutes I heard footsteps again, but this time they were coming closer to me. Then they stopped and I heard his voice.

"Excuse me?" He asked, trying to get my attention. I looked up from my book and saw that he was in front of the table.
"You're that boy, from the entrance ceremony, correct?"
"The one and only hehe~ Why?" I hope I'm not in trouble again.
"I wanted to thank you for helping us at the ceremony  for catching that cat, so thank you." He then bowed. I was a little taken aback by the bow but then I gave a big smile to the redhead.
"It was nothing, I'm glad I helped you all." He also looked taken aback by this but smiled nonetheless.
"I'm Riddle Rosehearts, Heartslabyul Dorm Head. It's nice to meet you..." Oh! I forgot to introduce myself.
"Yuuto. Yuuto Tachibana. It's nice to meet you too Riddle!"
"Likewise Mr. Tachibana." He said formally.
"No need for formalities, just Yuuto is fine." He hummed in approval.
"Well then Yuuto, I best be on my way. Have a nice day." He turned and before he could go, I also said my goodbyes.
"Have a nice day too, Riddle-kun!" He turned he's head and gave me a smile before he walked away.

Riddle's POV (yay! New POV)

Hmm, Yuuto Tachibana... He seems like an interesting  boy. I'm not gonna lie, I found myself relaxed when I was talking to him. It feels nice every once in a while.
"Riddle." A voice then got me out of my train of thoughts.
"Are you done picking your books? We're gonna be late for class" Trey said in a calm tone. I nodded and as we made our way to class Trey suddenly turned to me.
"Hey Riddle? Did something happen? You look more relaxed then usual?" I did?
"Don't worry about that. Come on let's hurry to class." I tried avoiding the question. I could feel Trey's gaze behind me, I hope he doesn't ask again.

Yuuto's POV (and we're back!)

After reading for a few more minutes or hours? I dont really know, but after that, me and Grim went to the cafeteria for our punishment. Oh well, it can't get worse than this, right?

To be continued...

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