Chapter 9 Secrets

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The King managed to control himself long enough to reach the lock on the door, he hesitated for a moment.

"Lady Jade..." He didn't want to cause her any dishonor.

She turned the lock, "We are just kissing M'Lord."

He took her face in her hands and crushed her lips with a hungry kiss. "My Dear Jade, I think I should bid you a good night before I clear off that table and..." He didn't dare finish that statement, and kissed her instead.

In-between kisses, "I will pray for sleep to find me quickly, so that I may be back in your presence tomorrow morning." She pulled a silk piece of cloth from between her breasts. "A token of my favor for your majesty. Please, think of me tonight in your dreams." She undid the lock and slipped out of the door.

Jade hurried to her bed-chamber in the tower, praying that sleep did indeed find her quickly so that she could be with the King and princess for breakfast. She touched her lips as she leaned her back against the inside of the door. Her maid noticed her happy demeanor and had a smile on her face.

"My Lady does look pleased with herself."

Jade smiled, "I am not simply pleased... I believe I am falling in love."

The maid smiled at Jade, "Well then off to bed you go, we will want to get up nice and early."

In the main tower of the Palace, the King slowly climbed the stairs to his chambers. He held the silk handkerchief between his fingers. The thought that she had kept it on her just to give to him made him smile. As he took the last step the knight posted at his door could be heard talking to someone. The King pressed his back against the wall, putting the silken handkerchief safely into his pocket and drawing a knife from his belt. He hid in the shadows listening to the conversation.

"I am sorry Lady Beth, the King is not to be disturbed." The guard stated again, his tone getting more agitated having to repeat himself.

She placed her hands on her hips, "I am not leaving until I get the same amount of time with him that I was just told Lady Jade has been getting. It is not fair. Do you think it is fair?"

The King raised an eyebrow, fair or not, this is not that behavior he necessarily wanted in a bride. Just as he was about to open his mouth and state just as such, she said something that made him understand.

"That other girl is younger than I... She is prettier than I... I understand that she has not been married before so she has that in her favor. But I am not unskilled Sir!" She handed the knight a package, "Please see that His Grace gets this." And she stormed off, but she was headed down the stairs. That means she had to pass right by the king. He pressed himself to the wall as close as he could and prayed the shadows were enough.

Apparently, she was frustrated enough that she wasn't paying attention and she walked right past him and down the stairs. Her robe flowing out behind her. The King waited a moment to ensure that the coast was clear and then he came out of the shadows and put his knife back in his belt.

The knight didn't even bat an eye, "Was wondering how long you were going to hide there."

The King straightened his shirt, "Saw that did you?"

The knight opened the door for the king, "Wouldn't be very good at my job if I didn't, Your Grace."

ℌ𝔢𝔯 𝔊𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔢, 𝔐𝔶 𝔔𝔲𝔢𝔢𝔫 Book 2Where stories live. Discover now