"Lets say 7:00"

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Lynn drove the family wagon as Asher proceeded to 'catch up' to level of drunken required to speak and act at the level the group of friends had already reached. They dropped the unnamed local at the shell station, where she fell full length out of the van. She recovered quickly, regained her, well... she regained her sling bag. Her dignity was most likely rolling around in the bottom of her bag with half a piece of Wrigley's,  a plan b wrapper, and 37 cents congealed together. She regained what she had not already lost in the exchange, wished her coachmen a heartfelt Jack infused middle finger, and stumbled into the station.
"What do we need to pick up to keep this party afloat Moab" Ash hoped the list was short. He was ready planning for some kind of escape with Crystal.
Lynn Butters paused briefly as if in the deepest thought. "I'm thinking something light that says in no uncertain terms, the party can continue but we have to eat and dance, preferably off this particular strip of sand."
Asher knew Lynn from the bar. A good guy, more money than sense, and more personality than brawn. He also knew that Lynn had an oversized and long term crush on the Ape, and any opportunity to separate the dynamic duo would benefit all parties mutually. "Maybe I should passingly suggest The Iguana for dinner and then accidentally be late and leave early. It would give you a chance to talk to Ape..ril" Ash caught himself and amended the pejorative as to preserver his true motive. "You know, bring Danielle late, and leave early, maybe give you and April a couple hours of alone time?"
Lynn nodded along as if he could see the story developing in his minds eye. "I see you... I see you. You may me onto something. Mark and Sherry, you and Danielle...you are an incredibly fortunate man by the way, incredibly  fortunate, Starr and Brett, and April and myself." Lynn turned his head to the side like a calculating canine. "Well the numbers match up, as long as these local contestants fall off, which I think they have already begun to do." Lynn motioned to the glass eyed brunette trying to bum a cigarette at the entrance to the Shell.
"It's 5:30 now. I say we grab something light. Corona, something lime, energy beer, is there such a thing . Stay away from the heavy hitters for now, it's going to be a long night." Ash checked his wrist where his watch would have been, remembered, and then glanced at the digital clock on the Town and Countries heads up display. "Grab it and growl, when we make it back to the herd, I'll have Dani hop in with me and you can convince Ape...ril, " Ash caught his close call faux pax again, "to have everyone head to the Iguana for dinner. Plan?" Asher said with a grand flourish of finality.
"Plan!" Lynn was a little over the top in agreement. "I mean it's not genius, but it's doable," he reeled in his excitement a bit. "So, back to the beach and off to dinner, minus you and Danielle." It was a half question half re-statement of fact. The premise was well enough engrained that Asher thought even Lynn could follow the blueprint.
The van doors closed abruptly and simultaneously. They had legally acquired parking this time with the help of Mark and Sherry's guest window hang. The eldest of the group and the most bent on actual relaxation, they had opted for the plush all inclusive resort as opposed to the Bohemian and short duration stay at the 'pink flamingo'. Asher donned his trademark Mako sunglasses and strode toward the now heavily perspiring gatekeeper, leaving Lynn to squint after him.


"Where are you taking me Mr. Asher?", Danielle sighed, as she sidestepped in front of him picking up discarded plastic shot bottles and dropping them into a now filling Dollar store plastic bag. "I've always dreamed of being whisked away to.." Ash stopped her mouth with a unexpected kiss.
"The Iguana." Asher whispered in his most humorous and breathy voice. "Well, eventually, among a couple of the more romantic eateries on the island."
"Sounds dreamy Mr. Asher," She laughed but continued in her most sultry vernacular.
     "Why don't you let the rest of this cleanup take care of itself and you and I...." Asher couldn't stay in character any longer, broke his faux seriousness,and laughing, took the bag from her hand, spinning his long arms around her waist. They tumbled side by side into the hot evening sand. The playfulness of the fake first encounter was erased. His hands resting on her side, pinky holding down the wind blown ruffles of her bikini at the thigh. "Where have you been all summer, Hell, where have you been my whole life?" She Leaned in to kiss him, deftly removing his sunglasses as her hand cradled the back of his thick and reddening neck. She kissed him now, strong, sweet, and simply southern. She made an unconscious 'mmmm' of pleasure as she shifted her hips to rest on top of his.
"I've been right here, Assey." This time the seduction was not comical or rehearsed, and she pushed all of her tan body against his bared chest and thighs. "Do you see me" she breathed as she passionately searched for another kiss to meet hers. Asher slid two fingers up her ribs landing beneath the elastic of her bikini top. He was aware of eyes watching as they passionately pressed body's to the brink of what clothing could be expected to cover.
Ash held her hand tight as it reached to cradle the side of his face. "Easy killer, easy. I'm right there and that's a lot of explaining to preteens" Ash caught the following kiss with two outstretched fingers. "Shhh, shhh... shit not yet." Asher breathed in hard as Dani's eyes fluttered open, pulling her from her extended day dream.
"What Ash?" Her ears burned slightly and turned red. "Oops got a little carried, Assey. I'd say excuse me, but I never excuse myself. I don't explain my actions. People can either accept them or not, but neither view can change them." She was resolute and accentuated the moment with one last biting kiss.
The shadows of the switch grass had grown longer,and smaller sand crabs began to uncover in the evening light. Asher stood, helping Dani to her feet. She definitely had no reason to offer explanation. If you didn't understand the dance or perhaps didn't recognize the tune, these two were definitely not going to force you to ask you to play in the band.

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