Breaking In

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Asher swung the jeep out of the crowded pier parking lot onto Mallory St. The jeep speakers rejoining the beach playlist as he cruised the two short blocks to reach Ocean Avenue.
Jake, overdressed, had the appearance of that same used car salesman hanging on red faced as he reluctantly held on through the final test drive. Ash waited for a "how's she handle sport?" But it never came.
"Hey Ash, you wanna know which hotel your finding the couch in tonight?" Jake gives t the universal hand signals for slow down. "On your left at oak"
"The Ocean?! The three story motel? The Falling Flamingo? I thought it was shuttered and leveled two years ago?" Asher peered skyward at the gleaming wrought iron balconies. Mature couples walking out in tennis clothes, followed by a barely breathing Maltese, struggling to keep from being drug behind. "Dang, she's leaned up good"
Jack reclined sharply as if he were the sole cause for its rejuvenation. "Sharpest lodging on the golden isle old man. Nearly impossible to get a room. Your friends must have a couple dimes to shake. Hell, I'd be honored to even grab a couch spot. The blonde that came bouncing in for you earlier said you were in 307. the corner overlooking the light and the ocean if you wanted to unload your stuff." Jakes said pressingly hoping for a quick tour.
"Sorry bro. I got no stuff to speak of, two tshirts, trunks, a an extra pair of shorts. Fit in this multi purpose Walmart sack." Ash patted the pitiful bag like the proud parent of an ugly child.
"What are you 8, going to gramma's for the evening. God, you're backwards. No wonder the chicks love you. I mean do you have to put forth an honest effort to be this, hobo rich? New technical term for you, hobo rich. I'm gonna get you a stick to carry your sad bag around on." Jake leaned over the gear shift and peered into the floorboard. "Well, at least you have shoes on."
Asher downshifted and accelerated leaving the Ocean hotel where it stood. "How a Pirate looks at 40" drifted above as the summer, and the salt breeze filled the cab. There on the left, spreading out like an unending reflection, the Atlantic.
"Where to Navi? Never mind, I should just let you out here and you can walk back. You're a liability, at this point your just a hotel and blonde enthusiast. Your a walking trash panda, just looking for double rainfall shower heads, floor to ceiling glass, and a solid pulse. Public beach access is in one mile. They are way to Judgy for normal people water, which leaves The King and Prince or the Beach club. King and Prince has nicer pools and private luxury water access, so I'm betting even money they are there." Asher finished his closing arguments with certainty. "And it's gated... guests only... have to display your tag or suffer some never applied consequence"
Asher pulled the jeep off the road and onto the freshly cut Bermuda within walking distance of the heavily gated entrance of King and Prince.
"Breaking and entering now Ash?" Jack asked reluctantly. "I don't know if I need to meet a drunk blonde that bad. I mean there's probably 30 between here and the pier."
Ash didn't respond. He knew there were several ways in, all with varying degrees of difficulty. He simply had to find the most expedient one. It took him all of 10 seconds to seek out the small path hidden by overgrown Florida grass and low growing palms that led around the imposing gate.
Ash slipped through the palms and overgrown switch grass, sending back a now disembodied voice, "come if you're coming Jake, it's good I'm ten feet from blacktop."
"Im just gonna head back to the bar. I'd hate to impose on your party." Jake was yelling at an empty stand of palms. "You good Ash? I called the bar back to pick me up. I think I should head back." Jake motioned over his shoulder thumb extended. He took took three resolute steps toward the highway. The words trailed off and fell harmlessly short of their mark, unheard.

... —— ....

Ash's Rainbows appeared out of the brush and landed on the blacktop in two unhurried strides. The white washed condominiums rose in front of him. The imposing gates behind. He made his way through the parking lot past the family sized vehicles and onto the gently curving path that led through the pool, ending at the gated beach access. Asher made his way quickly down the path into the pool area lined with perfectly spaced chairs, littered with towels, canvas swim bags, and the occasional over indulgent mother sleeping off the night before
A bored teen slumped in an oversized life guard chair, sweating and waiting impatiently for afternoon beach goers to fumble into view overloaded with coolers, beach chairs, skim boards, and bags overflowing with outdated sunblock, towels, waterproof speakers, and tangled swim goggles.

"Name and room number please", the question was both a personal judgement of social standing and a plea for reprieve from the unmerciful Georgia sun.

"Parton," Asher said rather hurriedly, "We just got here. Half the crew made for the beach. The others are checking in, getting parking passes room keys and such." Ash looked in her direction from behind polarized Costas. He was actually scanning the beach beyond the gate trying to destinquish a familiar shape or mannerism.

Less than animated the consierge fumbled through pages of names and suite numbers all representing different arrival times and guest names for the week. The on shore winds played havoc with the loose papers until the young woman gave up in exasperation. "For the love!" she tried to organize and replace disheveled lists as eean to be a pain. Need me to hold something for you?" He offered a tan and braceleted hand.

"No, just go. The code is supposed to be your room number, but you can just use mine for now." She looked at him over the rim of her glasses and lowered her voice to a whisper. "05792. The last 3 are my room number as well... if you care to know." Her attention turned stoically to her more pressing responsibilities as she addressed the next person in line. "Name and Room number please." Ash hurried past toward the dune gate, as whoever was behind him in line unshouldered a cumbersome bag and began the search for the enigmatic key.

He heard them long before he saw them. The wind being right onshore at a brisk pace, he quite smelt them before seeing them and what a Motley and openly entitled crew they were.

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