.Deadly Driving.

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"Mamrie use your turn signal!" Grace screeched from the back seat. Our car swerves a little bit when Grace's high-pitched sound travels through the car. The sound also makes me cringe.
"Goddamn it, Grace!" She flipped the turn signal while simultaneously flipping off Grace.
"Oh my god," Grace sa mock astonishment, "And to think you were a debutante."
Oh shit. She did not go there. We aren't supposed to bring that up. Mamrie was a debutante in college, and she was supposed to give a speech, but she pulled a JLaw and fell in front of everyone. She broke her nose, and lost a lot of her self-esteem that night.
Mamrie's eyes narrow. What's up with Grace today? She's been really cranky since we've gotten into the car.
"I'll show you a fucking debutante, you bitch!" Mames lunged at Grace in the back seat, tackling her. I crawled into the driver's seat, but that doesn't stop the car from swerving.
"Hey Mamrie," Grace taunted as Mamrie looks up to see why we are swerving, "Beanz is a rat."
Oh double shit. She called Beanz a rat, and I'm stuck in the shot gun, and there's a truck barreling towards us.
Instead of slapping, Mamrie goes to punching, aiming at Smellbig's face.
Mamrie can easily beat Grace any day of the week. That's what scares me. I swerve the wheel over just in time, and swerve out of the lane and onto the side of the road.
I can finally unhinge from what was holding me back, which was part of the seatbelt. I climb over and into the driver's seat, starting to drive again. Now I can start yelling at them.
"Mamrie Lillian Hart and Grace Anne Helbig, what the fuck is wrong with you? Grace, you taunt the driver who's also your best friend... God knows why. And Mamrie, you fucking tackle her from the driver's seat, placing us in mortal danger. What the fuck, man?"
They both became very interested in the new paint on the road. I let out a sigh of frustration and anger.
"Let's just go to the theater."
We arrived just outside, and Grace crawled out if the backseat. She kissed the ground, and says, "Land, oh sweet dear land!"
Mamrie gave Grace the biggest eye roll, and says, "Don't make me punch you again."
I helped Grace off of the ground, and we entered the fairly large theater.
"And swerve, jump back, pose!" Mamrie said, and we follow her choreography. At least Grace was. I'm mostly getting caught up in her eyes.
"Hannah? Do you understand the dance?" I snapped out of my Mamrie daydream to see her waving her hand in my face. It just so happens I've been biting my lip the whole time. Smooth, Harto.
"Y-yes," I managed to answer, and she turned back to Grace. Just be cool, Hannah. It's a normal day.
After the opening dance, we decided that since we've practiced the dance multiple times, it was time to practice more of the skits. Grace and Mamrie first practiced a Mace skit they'd prepared. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of Grace right now. In the end of the sketch, Mamrie picked Grace up, spins a couple times, and then exited.
"I love you." I snapped out of my daydream after I heard Mamrie utter those words. I then saw her hug Grace.
"We worked out our fight," Grace explained, and Mamrie nodded.
"Um, Hannah? Can I speak to you for a second?" Grace asked, walking down from the stage to the floor, where I am. Her expression was serious.
"Yes, of course!" Grace grabbed my hand and led me out the door, away from the beautiful and tall redhead.
I decided to continue the short but sweet chapters of this book! Hope you enjoyed this!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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