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Kaede's POV

I was in my room studying for my upcoming test until I received a text. I assumed it was my boyfriend Rantaro but when I picked it up, it was Kokichi texting to our group chat.

Kokichi: "So, we meeting up or what?"
Shuichi: "What are you talking about?"
Kaito: "Kokichi and I wanted to hang out with you guys, since the last time we saw y'all was at Hope's Peak."
Maki: "Well... is there a particular reason why you wanna hang out? I'm quite busy right now."
Me: "Yeah, I'm kinda busy too. Can we do it another time?"

Kokichi: "Hey Maki, have you ever heard of this thing called fun? Oh wait, you've probably never heard of it before, considering how boring you are."
Kokichi: "Me and Kaito just wanna hang! We can watch a movie, eat pizza, maybe do karaoke."
Kaito: "I bought a karaoke machine the other day and I'm super pumped about it!"
Gonta: "Gonta has question. If Gonta go to party, we watch bug documentary? Gonta love bug documentary."
Kokichi: "Ughh, fine. We can watch a bug documentary."
Gonta: "Then Gonta will come!"
Kokichi: "Everyone, come over to me and Kaito's apartment! Room 307!"
Kaito: "And if ya don't then I give Kokichi permission to bother ya non stop!"

The conversation continued but I paid no attention. My test wasn't until next week. I guess I could go. Privately, I texted Rantaro.

Me: "Ran, you going to Kokichi's hang out thing?"
It was a minute or two until they responded.
Rantaro: "I mean. I didn't plan to go but if you're going, I don't mind going."
Me: "Can you give me a ride please?"
Rantaro: "Sure thing. :) I'll be over in five."
Rantaro lived down the street from me so he had easy access to my house.

Reason I couldn't drive myself is cause I never learned how. My overprotective dad refuses to let me learn how to drive, he still treats me like I'm six. Hell, when he met Rantaro for the first time my dad almost killed him.

A few minutes later I heard Rantaro honk his horn. I put on my leather jacket and ran down the stairs. Dad was passed out on the couch, so I could easily sneak out.


Rantaro knocked on the door and a short, purple haired boy picked up.
"Big bro! You're here!!"
Rantaro smiled down at him and put a hand on his head. "Hey lil man."
I looked around the room and to my surprise, everyone showed except for two. Miu and Kiibo.

I walked up to Maki, who was leaning against the wall gripping a red plastic cup.
"Where are Miu and Kiibo?"
"Oh yea. They got here and immediately went into another room. Can't imagine what they're doing."
Weird thoughts filled my brain. I shouldn't have asked. Miu has gotten better about her sexual tendencies, but I still feared what she could be doing with Kiibo.

I walked up beside Rantaro as Kaito took something out of the closet. He pulled out a tiny purple karoake machine. "It's karaoke time!!"
Kokichi clapped his hands together and jumped up and down. "Yay! I'm so excited to see you guys embarrass yourselves!!"

Kaito hooked it up to the TV and placed the two microphones on the table.
"OK, who's first?"
Rantaro looked at me and asked, "Ya wanna go first?"
"I thought you hated karaoke."
"Psh cmon Kaede, how often do you hang out with these freaks? Once every blue moon. We don't hang out with them a lot anymore, considering how busy we all are with our individual lives."
I pressed my fingers against my temple. "Okay, but one song."

Rantaro grabbed my hand and stood in front of the machine. He picked up both microphones and handed me one. I felt so embarrassed. I saw from the corner of my eye Kokichi recording us. I was gonna kill him later.

Kaito pushed a button and music began to play. I immediately recognized the song: Dancing Queen by ABBA. Mom used to listen to this song a ton. I remember when I was little and how she would blast this song when we were in the car together. It gave me a good sense of nostalgia.

The words appeared on the screen and we began to sing, both super quietly. We were both nervous as hell. I could hear Kokichi stifling his laughter. And that, that made me angry for some reason. I stood up on the table and continued singing, but louder.

Rantaro also stood on the table and sung louder too. Before we knew it, we were dancing like two idiots. We almost flipped the table and fell off. I heard Tenko cheer from the dark. This was fun.

I heard Shuichi scream my name but I didn't pay attention. I was having the time of my life, just like the song says. And I could tell Rantaro was having fun too.

The song then ended and we stood on the table awkwardly. Rantaro spoke in the microphone one last time: "Thank you, all you beautiful people," and then he dropped the mic. He jumped off the table and I followed him.

He went to the punch table and I followed him.
"Thirsty." He said. "Dancing and singing at the same time made me exhausted."
I grabbed a drink too. "Yeah I'm tired too."
"Hey, uh..." He looked away and his face was a tiny hit of pink.
"Yea, what's up?"
He looked at me. "Thanks for doing that with me, I don't know if I could've asked anyone else."
I half shrugged. "It's no problem. I love doing fun things with you."
He chuckled and pushed back my head, planting a kiss on my forehead.

Then he turned his head, and my eyes followed. Then he looked back at me. "Cmon, wanna watch Shuichi fail at karoake?"
I laughed. "That would be amazing."

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