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Kaede crawled out of bed, a large smile on her face. She put on a nice beach dress and stepped outside and ran to the beach in her sandals. She walked along the beach, looking for something. Then she spotted it. An old green bottle. She smiled and picked up the bottle, opening it. There inside, was a single enveloped letter. It wasn't just any normal letter though, it was a letter from her lover.

She held the paper in between her fingers and sat down, letting the warm salt water rush between her toes. She unrolled the letter and expected it to be another one of Rantaro's corny love letters, but it was something not even she expected.

"Dear love,

I hope this letter finds you well. I know I've been gone for a long time and I apologize. I know you must miss me dearly, and I miss you too. I've been searching for her for days, weeks even, but it all seems like I've been sailing in circles. I've eaten lots of tuna and other fish and have only slept for 3 hours every night. I know that's concerning but I can't waste a single waking moment. I know my sister is out there, and I will find her eventually! I don't know when I will return home, but when I do I will hold you tightly and kiss you. Can't wait to see you once again.

Your love,

Kaede sighed, placing the letter onto the sand. Will her husband ever return home? He's been gone for so long and she only wanted to be with him again.

She stood up, the crumbled letter in between her fingers. She silently prayed that her husband was okay and safe. The wind blew through her hair and she pushed it away.

She turned away from the ocean, about to walk home until she heard a loud honking sound. It made her recoil, and when she turned around she saw something unbelievable. She saw a familiar boat, gearing towards her. A smile planted on her face and she ran towards the ocean, dropping her letter in the sand.

The boat eventually hit the beach and a skinny green haired men stepped off.
He chuckled. "Yarr, I found ye treasure!!! Hey, did anyone lose their treasure?"
He picked up Kaede bridal style and swung her around, kissing her cheek and neck. She giggled.

When she calmed down, she asked, "I thought you were gonna be gone for a while?"
"I don't remember the letter saying that?"
"You said you didn't know when you'd be back. I was really worried."
"Yeah well I couldn't stay away from you forever." He put her down and the smile was now wiped off her face.

"I just don't know why you couldn't take me with you."

Rantaro sighed, rubbing his forehead with his hand.
"Kaede, it's my sister. My sister doesn't know you, she doesn't even know me! And I think I should get to meet her first before I introduce you to her. I don't even know if I would like her. You get it?"
"Yeah, I was just... I was just worried... and scared... you weren't coming back..." She sniffed and wiped her eyes with her forearm and before he knew it, Kaede was in tears.

Rantaro's smile faded. "Kaede, don't cry, please don't cry. I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry. I'm okay, really, except I'm just a little hungry right now. And tired. I've had tuna for the past 4 weeks. I'm ready for something other than tuna. How bout the diner?"

She smiled and nodded. "Okay."

He leaned in and kissed her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on her tippy toes. When they separated, he laughed.

"I really missed that feeling."
Kaede smiled back, "Me too."

The two held hands and walked to the diner together, and Kaede felt at home again.

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