The Thing About Friends With Benefits

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Chapter 1

Alex's POV:

"WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH A BABY!!!??" I screamed at Oliver when we got into his room.

"Well maybe if you were CONSIDERATE of other peoples feelings, we wouldn't be here right now!" Oliver yelled back.

"It was a freakin' pg 13 movie, and it wasn't even scary!"

"Maybe not to you! But you know how I feel about them!"

I began to open my mouth to yell at him some more, but instead got his tongue. No surprise, so I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around him. We explored each others mouths for a while before he threw me down on his bed-not too hard, but not too soft. One by one, we stripped each other, and were both getting wilder and wilder. I stuck my tongue in his mouth hard enough to make him moan. Before we knew it, we were rocking his bed back and forth. This, was another case of makeup sex.

"Whooo," he tried to catch his breath as he plopped down on the bed next to me.

I rolled over to my side so that we were face to face.

"Man up." I replied, breathless as well.

His eyes widened as he looked at me.

"Man up?" he croaked. "We were at it forever!"

"Well, once again, if you wouldn't have been such a baby at the movies, WE WOULDN'T BE HERE RIGHT NOW!" I said as I got out of his bed and wrapped his soft, blue sheets around me, and headed towards the bathroom.

Oliver rushed up and followed me.

"Wait, where are you going?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Obviously, I am going to the bathroom."

"What?No. You can't just leave me like that after we just had like, the greatest sex we've had in weeks." he said.

I ignored him and began to close the bathroom door, but his foot stopped it.

"Oh my god, Oliver! Let me take a damn shower in peace!" I said aggregated.

"I'm staying." he smirked.

I figured there was no sense in trying to argue with him because he was going to get his way either way, so i dropped the sheets, and got in the shower.

I turned the shower knob, but the water didn't come out. I turned again, but still, no water was coming out. I let out an aggravated sigh, and Oliver let out a laugh. He was clearly amused by my stupidity.

"Oliver. Please help." I tried to say calmly.

He got into the shower and turned the knob. The warm water came rushing out. I sighed.

"You can leave now." I told Oliver.


But before I could protest, he had already pushed me to the corner of the shower gently, and stuck his soft tongue in my mouth. This boy, my best friend since 4th grade, always got me, even when I was sure he couldn't. So I joined along. He ran his fingers through my hair, and I jumped up in him.

He moaned softly.

I smiled, and stuck my tongue in his mouth even harder. And once again, we had great sex.

I picked up my bag from the side of Oliver's bed, and stared towards the door.

"Wait," he said.

I turned. "Oliver, we can't have sex again. We have school tomorrow. I mean, yes it was great but-"

"I wasn't asking for sex." he said. "Spend the night. Please?"

"Why?" I asked.

"Because. My parents are gone, and your moms gone anyways. We might as well be together."

I thought about it. He was right. His parents were in Iowa to visit a friend, and my mom was a flight attendant, so she was gone.

"Well, alright." I said dropping my bag and climbing into his bed.

He turned out the light so that only the moonlight was pouring through his window into his room. I tossed and turned, and eventually, Oliver grabbed my waist from behind and pulled me so that my body was against his. I got goosebumps, but the good kind. Then, he turned me around so that we were face to face. He wrapped his arms around me like a hug, and planted a sweet, soft kiss on my forehead. My heart was beating fast. And for some odd reason, I had millions of butterflies in my tummy. I snuggled my head into his chest, and he positioned himself so that we fit perfectly together. It was weird, we were like a completed puzzle. We fit together so perfectly. And with that, we calmly fell asleep, wrapped in each others arms, listening to each others soft breathing.


So whadaya think!? (: I'm new, and this is my first piece of writing! Any advice? Questions? Concerns? Let me know!! (:

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