Chapter II

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Opening my eyes an enormous pain started to rise, spreading trough my head, it felt like both of the sides of my head was in war; gladiator-on-one-side-running-towards-the other. I must have fallen asleep again.

A banging noise slammed through my room.

Oh, wait, no, my brother just decided to visit me.

He couldn't find me under my blanket cave.

"Are you there?"

"Physically yes, mentally is debatable." I blurted out.

Whenever I'm tired I don't have any control over what I say, whatsoever. Sensing my vibe my brother went out of my room and came back with his blanket. He didn't try to talk to me and just turned on the tv and found some random baking programme. It was so nice relaxing and spending some time with my brother because I have this feeling that as soon as we start Hogwarts, he's going to stop talking to me. I had no actual proof or factual reason to be thinking that. So to distract me I put my head on his shoulder, digging in and making myself cosy by tugging me in my blanket.


I got to the train station, my presence exclusively caused me to be harassed... for being a Slytherin of course.

As the first few sentences entered my mind, it started wandering. I couldn't stop thinking bout it and accidentally stopped listening.

"Ayo snake, can't wait to hex your stupid ass" echoed in my head.

Why is everyone always threatening my ass? "I'm gonna beat your ass", "I'm gonna kick your ass", "I'm gonna bury your ass".

I quickly got tired of it.

Come on, be creative. Like I haven't heard that a hundred times before. I thought you were better than that. You don't have a bigger vocabulary?

"Wtf did my ass ever do to you? It's one of my most redeeming qualities, so how about you just face me up here like you've got a backbone?"

I bit back. Turning on my heel, my black trench coat swished trough the wind giving my clap back an even more dramatic effect.

As always I look trough every compartment to find one so that I can be alone. Train rides alone just feel so relaxing and I could be sure no one would interrupt because no one would even try to join my compartment.

Fuck. Huhh. Nooooo. I groan to myself, letting out the germans favourite sound: ch.

There is not one compartment empty and I came in good time, as always. I settle for a random compartment and to my disappointment, a Gryffindor sits inside. I ask the p̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶ creature if I can join, as in sit in silence and look out of the window. I see another bag, a blue one. I don't pay much attention to it until a person enters the compartment just after leaving the station.

"Thank you for looking out for my stuff", a blue-haired girl whispers.

Wait a second, I know this girl. This is, but how can it, she's here, like what now. Wait. Say something. Say something you fool.

"Uhmm, hi?" I blurt out. Really great, mastered that one didn't you?

"Hi, u-you!", she yells out and hugs me.

Normally I wouldn't be into this much emotion in front of strangers, but I let it pass. I would always let it pass when it was her. My best friend, my ride and die, my *looks at her cloak* Ravenclaw friend Alexia.

Showing no more emotion besides the hug, we sit down and Alexia begins to talk. She talks a lot and when she starts, she can and will not be stopped. She talked about the travel, she talked about changing schools and I think she at one point talked about me? Idk, she talked for so long. Before I knew it, we were at Hogwarts and it was time to grab our stuff and head out.

Alexia told me that she had stayed at the Gryffindor's house and after living together they became quite close. She even described her as her friend. But I wouldn't say that.

On the way to the great hall, Alexia all of a sudden asked me if I had anything to say.

"I-eh uhm...", I blurted out.

She looked at me with a serious face and I told them. Her and the Gryffindor. I told them about the comments and I explained to the dumbfounded Gryffindor that being harassed for your house is a (pretty much) daily thing for a Slytherin student. Even though I explained the situation clearly to the Gryffindor, they didn't understand it.

The Gryffindor asked: "Was it really necessary to say that? Don't you think that Karma will do them right?"

"Who is to say I am not karma?", I rolled my eyes, it was so obvious.

"You really believe that? the Gryffindor questioned Alexia.

"Don't even try to convince her otherwise. It's impossible", Alexia laughed.

The Gryffindor huffed: "Whatever then"


Later in the evening after dinner, we sat down in the Ravenclaw common room and enjoyed the chill atmosphere.

We wanted to spend some time together and Alexia insisted I'd join to bond with the Gryffindor. I thought it wouldn't kill me and I could use some time with her. The reason why we were in the Ravenclaw common room is that the Slytherins wouldn't allow me hosting the happening without knowing the guests and frankly, I'd rather get hit by the "eat slugs" spell than spend time in the Gryffindor common room. Alexia and the Gryffindor found a quiz and we played it with the nearest Gryffindors.

"What is the powerhouse of the cell," Alexia asked the room

"Oo-oh I know that it's photosynthesis"

God, I hate quizzes with Gryffindors. They are either too stupid or too confident in their terrible jokes, often you can't tell whether it's the first or second.

A Gryffindor stepped out of the sleeping room, dressed in a messy cloak and the incredible tangled hair.

"Damn yall really got ugly friends, they crusty"

I looked at him with a wtf-u-mean face and spat, "For someone who's 70% water, you don't look very refreshing."

"BURNNNN", the Gryffindor supported me.

Alexis corrected, "Water cannot be burned"

"Uhm wtf then?"

"E-vaa...", Alexis guided the Gryffindor.

"EVAPORATEEEEE", The Gryffindor screamed.

Everyone laughed. A warm feeling started in my stomach and spread out to my whole body. It was weird. I don't think I've ever felt like this. Before I went back to the dungeons a thought reached my mind.

Maybe this isn't so bad after all. 

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