a new friend

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Izukus POV: 

i walked to the guard near me and asked for direction, i was about to go to the direction where the guard told me when suddenly,

" oi' wrong way!, this stupid brat why would you give her wrong directions, grrrr... " he said, he looked a bit like a dog, he was scolding the guard who seems to have made a mistake, i was uncomfortable when he was hitting the guard so i quickly interrupted their " conversation "

" Umm..... excuse me, can i ask where the direction are? please" i asked them again but this time their answer is the opposite direction of what the guard told me earllier, i just smiled at them and headed to the direction

i was at the door and i saw many people and a big stage, i tried to find a seat and i did, i saw a seat beside a blue haired boy with glasses, i sat besides him and i was confused as to why he was glowing red, i was about to ask but present mic showed up

Third Person POV: 

Present mic explained what were gonna do in the test, and its seem like were going to fight robots, izuku was just listening and observing everyone to write them on her hero notebook, suddenly the blue haired boy glasses raised his hands

" yes, what question might you have boy with glasses? " present mic said, izuku was confused by the sudden act as she understand what present mic or what is present mic trying to say

" may i ask about the robots, what are we going to do after we get it, would it be a competition to see who got many points or different? " ( i changed lida's question because this is my kind of au, sorry and thanks "

i stared at him then stared at present mic and  saw present mic laughed, " whats your name?" he said

" Tenya lida " the boy said and sat down then izuku suddenly rememebered the hero tenya his hero name is INGENUIM i was amazed byy the blue haired boy that i introduced myself

sorry if its short, is it short? :)

My hero Academia Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang