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Izuku's POV:

I introduced myself to the blue haired boy, and he introduced himself to me back, i told him i knew INGENUIM and he brightens and we chatted all the way and we had fun, 

"That's all" present mic said, we both were shock and i giggled, and it seems everyone glowed red at sight but i paid it no mind since i cant ask all of them, Lida just smiled and said "yeah" while having a tint of red in his cheek, i was about to ask again when all of the people stands and was exiting out

lida and i got out of the building and heard someone say "The test starts tomorrow?" me and lida said at the same time "the test starts tomorrow" we both felt silence but i laughed and again i felt like someones staring at me, lida was embarrassed and just looked away  

we both parted our ways, i walked to a near cafe and bought a boba

" i had fun observing people there,  there was so many people! " i giggled and saw people staring at me and smiled at them

i got out of the cafe carrying my boba and heard a commotion, i saw many people and snuck to the front, i saw kacchan in a green slime that seemed to be some kind of monster, i was so frustrated that everyone was just staring at him even the so called "pro" hereos, ' they just cant wait for allmight to come!' i thought while clench my fist

" Kacchan!" everybody looked at me

I quickly ran off to kacchan, i didnt care about the police or the pro's   stopping me i quickly used my quirk " wind" and floated my way there i used my quirk " ice" i builted an ice sharps and used my quirk " earth and light" i quickly built an earth shield around the people even the pro heroes and activated my quirk light and blinded the monster it let loose of kacchan a little and i used this chance to pierce my ice sharps to him and i saw a bottle and used my quirk wind to suck the monster with the bottle i made sure that nothing remains, i then quickly floated with kacchan on hand, and make the earth shield fall, i landed infront of the crowd and everyone cheered for me ut the pro heroes didnt they frowned and even scolded me i sigh at the sight as they praise kacchan and said " why are you scolding me instead of yourself when i went there and risked my life like a hero, not like you standing there hestating whether you'll go or not!" i cried the pro heroes did not utter a word, i saw kacchan waking up and quickly ran to him crying, he just hugged me and said "you look ugly if you cry nerd" i saw the pro heroes freezing at sight while blushing and i saw mountain giant approaching me with a coat and placed it on my dress, kacchan blushed and i dont know why but he carried me and i snugged in hs chest and it seems like he said something to the pro"s but didnt hear it since i passed from using my quirk too much

Katsuki' s POV:

i woke up and saw the pro heroes frozen and saw izuku running to me crying, he looked cute and she suddenly leaped to me crying she looked so cute like a bunny, "you look ugly if you cry" i said ' why did i say that! its the opposite!' i groaned then i saw izukus boobs with bra ( of course ) her clthes looks like it will almost fall off, luckily mountain giant noticed it covered her with a coat, she was super dense so she was so confused and one thing i noticed is the pro hereos seemed to be blushing hard and i noticed something again, they saw through izukus skirt i was so frustrated and said to them " Perverts" and mountain giant said " you saw it too, its really sexy" i blushed super hard that theres blood coming out my nose i yelled " i did not!! " i heard them laughing from far away even the crowd and the news reporter, i want to yell but izuku is my first priority

THANKS ( 'v')/


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