Chapter Nine

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I don't know have anything to write here today.......Enjoy!! ~Enzi~

Thankfully your illness was only a twenty four hour one, so you went back to your normal day activated at the Vargas house.  You would never say it to either of them, to spare their feelings, but you were starting to feel lonely in the large house.  Italy was such a beautiful country and you just wanted to go explore, but you never brought it up because you know either Italian would just be bored; they have both been alive for centuries, and it is their country they represent.  

You woke up this morning, now a month since you moved to Italy with Lovino.  Things have still been pretty boring; it one months time you were able to read all the books in the library that were in English; well that was a week ago.  Now you started rereading books and trying to learn italian from the books; you were failing at it.  Thankfully you did start to wake up later, but not that much.  As you walk down the stairs you nearly fell from the who saw standing it the house.  “A-Antonio? W-What are you doing here?”  You looked down and realized you were only wearing a tank-top and a pair of short shorts.  You coved up your chest and walked down the stairs to be standing right in front of him.

“I can ask you the same thing, chica~”  You gave him a look that gave him chills.  “B-But I’m here to v-visit the Italys!” He laughed nervously.  “Every once in a while I come over to see them, I love to see how they’re grown.~”

“If you know them so well, wouldn’t you know that neither of wake up before nine?”

“Si! Of course I know that silly chica~ But when I do come over I get here early and make them breakfast!”

“Still a little early to see them.”  You sigh.  “Hey do you mind if we talk while we wait for them.  In the month I’ve been here I’ve read all the books in the library that were in english, so you can just imagine how bored I am.”

“Well chica, if you’re bored, why don’t you ask them to take you around Italy?  I’m sure that they would be glad to!”

“I don’t know I just don’t want to bother them.  And anyways they are Italy, so they have been to all the sites so many times, they would just get bored.”

“Well chica, you are so considerate~  So what would you like to talk about? I would love to talk to you about anything!!”  You walked to the living room and sat down, he followed.

“Well….” A small smirk appeared on your face. “You raised Lovino right?”

“Si! He was my little henchman!!  Awwww, I’m just imagining him right now how little was~”

“So, do you have any interesting stories you can tell me about when he was little?”

“Ah! I have so many stories to tell you!!”  Antonio started to tell you so many amazing stories about Lovi as a kid.  You just wish you would be able to see him like that.  Antonio was telling you the story of Lovi peeing the bed when the man it the flesh walked down the stairs; speak of the devil and he shall appear.  “So I walked out of my bedroom and I saw him there with his blankets soaked!  The weirdest thing is that he blamed it on a squirrel!!”  You started to laugh, but stopped when you heard Lovino’s voice.

“Hey!! Bastardo why-a are you telling her that story!!”

“Oh, Roma!!! Didn’t see you there~ She was the one that wanted to hear stories anyway.  And the only reason that she wants stories is that-”  You cut him off by covering his mouth, which he resulted in licking your hand.

“Eww!!” You removed you hand and wiped it on his pants.

“Hmmff” Lovino turned to you.  “What-a was he going to say bella?”

“I was going to say-”You shoved the spaniard ruffly and he fell over on the floor.  “Hey!!! Chica why did you do that?!?” You ignored him and just looked back to Lovi and sighed.  

“Lovi, its just that in this past month…..I’ve been feeling a little lonely….I want to spend more time with you, but I don’t want to bother you…” You looked down to you lap, not wanting to look at his face.

“(f/n), if-a you felt that way, you-a should of just told me.  You-a are my fidanzata, and-a I want to do everything in-a my power to make you happy.  I’m-a sorry, I should have noticed….” He walked over to you and sat down on the sofa, and pulled you into his lap.  He kissed your neck gently sending shivers up and down your spine.  “Bella?  Is there-a any place that-a you want to see in italia?  We-a can go tomorrow.  I’ll-a get up early and-a we could eat breakfast on the way.  I’ll-a do anything to make-a you happy.”

“Well, this may sound cliche, but I really want to see the coliseum.  It just amazes me that something so big could be made so long ago.”

“Of course bella, anything for-a you”  You turned around in his lap and wrapped your legs around his waist.  You saw a light blush spread over his face, and you could feel yours heating up.

“Lovino, were you around when the coliseum was being built?”

“Bella I’m not that old!  That was during nonno’s golden age; me and Feli didn’t come around until the falling of rome.  But I do remember when it was still being used.”

“Okay, follow up question, Spain didn’t come around until after rome fell, so does that mean you are older than Antonio?” He chuckled.

“Si, that is correct bella” You looked over to Toni, and he was blushing.  “So, all that-a time I was under that-a bastardo’s care, I-a should have been taking care of him.  He-a really is just a baby.”  Lovi smirks and laughed at his comment.

“I can’t wait until tomorrow” You put your head on Lovi’s chest and closed your eyes.

“Don’t-a worry bella it will be here sooner than-a you think”




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