Chapter 1: Burying Family

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     Marlene was on a mission with Remus and Dorcas when the attack happened. The three were currently following a lead regarding Lucius Malfoy and his brother-in-law Rudolphus Lestrange. To be honest the mission Moody had sent them on felt like a wild good chase. By the time they had gotten to the dingy loft where Rudolphus and Lucius and other Death Eaters were supposedly meeting it was empty and cold. Dorcas had concluded that if somehow had been there at all they haven't been there in over a week. 

     The three apparated back to headquarters to find some of the order members pacing nervously. Sirius and Lily looked the most stressed. "What's going on?" asked Remus. Sirius and Lily stopped dead in their tracks and looked at Marlene. Marlene's eyes were wide with confusion and worry. "Marls there's been an attack," said Lily softly. "Is James okay? What about Peter? Mary?" rushed Marlene through the list of her friends in the order. Sirius took Marlene by the shoulders and looked her dead in the eye. "Marlene. The attack wasn't on the order. It was your family", explained Sirius. Marlene's knees buckled and she would have fallen to the ground if Sirius wasn't there. "Are- are they okay? Are they alive? WHAT HAPPENED TO MY FAMILY?" demanded Marlene. "POTTER! BLACK! Take her to her bloody house", grumbled Moody. The three friends looked at each other before deciding to apparate to the McKinnon household.

     The McKinnons were a half-blood family. Lucinda, Marlene's mother grew up with Walburga Black and were friends at Hogwarts. However, once Lucinda married Edwin McKinnon, a muggle, Walburga cut her childhood friend out of her life. Edwin and Lucinda had four kids. There was Alister, Robin, Calder, and Marlene. However, having a magical parent only one McKinnon kid had shown signs for magic and that was Marlene. Due to this the McKinnons decided to live in the muggle world. Interestingly enough the Evans and the McKinnons had become family friends. Alister and Petunia were the same age and Lily and Marlene were the same age. 

     Marlene, Lily, and Sirius apparated to the house to find muggle policemen swarming the house. Marlene sprinted for the house. One of the policeman stopped Marlene. "I'm Marlene McKinnon let me through" shouted Marlene. The officer let her go. She ran in the house to see her father lying dead in the living room. She found her mother lying dead on the stairs. "What's the stick for?" asked one of the officers to another. Marlene looked in the kitchen to find her oldest brother's head down on the table, lifeless. Sirius called Marlene's name. Marlene came out of the kitchen to see Sirius nod his head up at the stairs. Marlene sprinted for the stairs. Walking past her dead mother. Marlene was praying that Robin or Calder were alive. Marlene got upstairs and laying dead in the hallway were her two other brothers. 

     Marlene dropped to the ground and started sobbing.  She was newly twenty. She should be out celebrating with friends and family not sobbing on the floor over her family being dead. Sirius went up and hugged Marlene. Lily soon turned up sobbing as well. Marlene's brothers were like Lily's brothers. "We need to get out of here. We can't be here too long" warned Sirius knowing that if they were in an unprotected place for too long that Death Eaters would come back, not caring if muggles got in their way. Lily and Sirius had to all but carry Marlene downstairs. 

                                                                              Two Weeks Later

     It rained the day of the funeral. Then and again it was England, it was always cold and grey. Dorcas held Marlene's hand the entire time. Lily was on the other side of her. At nineteen years old Marlene buried her entire family. Her birthday was three days prior to the attack. Marlene was supposed to go home that day but got sent on a last-minute mission by Moody. She should have been there. Who wasn't there at the funeral was Sirius. Bloody hell where was he?! Marlene and Sirius were on and off from fourth year to sixth year until Marlene got together with Dorcas. Despite all the drama between them, Sirius had stayed one of her best friends. Why was he not there!? Where the bloody hell was he?! Forget him. She had Dorcas with her and that's all that mattered. 

     Marlene got up to talk about her family. The funeral was very small. It was her friends and some of their muggle neighbors. She laughed about her brothers and talked about how her mother tried her hardest to raise "proper boys" and her dad would only laugh. She talked through the tears that she was wiping away. Lily got up to talk. Even Petunia Evans was there with her husband. Alister had introduced Vernon to Petunia. Petunia was currently pregnant with her and Vernon's first child. Despite hating Petunia with her whole being she was glad to see one of her brother's friends there.

     After the funeral, everyone went their separate ways. Marlene stayed at Dorcas' flat that night. She thankfully still had her Hogwarts family. 

Authors Note

I want to make something very clear. I am a Blackinnon, Darlene, and Wolfstar shipper. This is my story. I do not want any comments coming for me for deciding the ships I decide in this story. You are welcome to your opinions but please do not be toxic about your ships. Not everyone has to agree with you on who they do or do now want to write about/ship. 

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